Friday, January 05, 2007

Raaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh CHILDREN!

Here comes the rant...
Oh man the kids at work are annoying. The way that the Kids' Club is structured is annoying. There is so much I know I could do to make it better, this isn't me being big headed, I promise, it's just all common sense! Take the issue of discipline for example, the kids are badly behaved and the main reason they carry on being badly behaved is because the staff aren't consistent with punishments! Of course they're not going to do as we say if we don't all say the same thing! And what about the fact that they re bored out of their minds half the time because there aren't enough activities and the toys are too young for them and half broken. They get bored and then they run about like lunatics.

Grrr. There's so much I wish I could do to make it better. Have strict cause and effect type consequences for misbehaving to m ake the kids actually learn that what they do actually has an effect on other people. Have a proper lounge area so they can actually relax instead of being just stuck in a classroom. Have plenty of fun activities so they aren't hanging around all day. Oh I have so many ideas and the worst part... I can do absolutely nothing about it. I only work about 12 weeks in an entire year and I really do not think the boss would take kindly to me suddenly taking over her job!

Anyway, one day I'll set up my own Kids Club and it'll be amazing. It's so depressing and heart-breaking in the one I'm in at the moment.

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