Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Have a bath...

This blog really is not going to contain anything deep, meaningful or philosophical. I just wanted to say how amazing baths are. I just had one, it was so hot it took me a full five minutes to be able to sit down in it. And then I lay there, drinking hot blackcurrant and listening to classical music, letting every thought in my mind slowly drift away.

Of course, as soon as you get out everything comes back to you and hits you in the face like a cold custard pie. (don't swollow any of it or you will gag.)

But for that half hour you are doing absolutely nothing but enjoying the heat of the water in the bath, for that half hour, everything is perfect.

So I mean it. Go and have a hot bath. It's wonderful.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Does anyone think that sleep is over-rated?
I hear a most of you cry 'no' indignantly. Well, to be honest, up until recently I would have agreed with you. I used to love sleeping, I loved being warm in my bed, staring at the ceiling, and I loved that feeling in the morning when you wake up and you're all warm and cosy and you remember that you don't have to get up so you roll over and go back into a blissful dose...

Well, as I've written above, I used to love that. Now, all of a sudden, for the past week or so I haven't been able to sleep. I can't get to sleep and I wake up too early because I'm too hot, or I can't switch my mind off, or I have nightmares, or my bed's too uncomfortable, or I just won't fall asleep. I have no idea why, and even the other day I took a pyraton (not sure how to spell that) to make me drowsy... no to effect.

It's not like I'm getting no sleep at all at the moment, but sleep is not longer fun and no longer something I want to do, which seems pretty sad to me. Especially when I've always been the kind of person who can fall asleep within 30 seconds of my head touching the pillow. I know that some people sufer their whole lives with being unable to sleep and I feel kind of guitly for being such a good sleeper all my life!

But now I'm sad because I can't sleep well anymore.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What pushes your buttons?

In a wonderful and enlightening book called 'Perspectives' (a wonderful thing to have btw!) by a guy called Colin Creel, is a quote from another guy called Howard Hendricks. It goes like this:

What makes you pound the table?

And yes, this is an American book. But this is something I thought I'd include here. Dr Hendricks is helping someone to find out what their calling in life is. What kind of career they should follow, and he asks all kinds of questions to find out what the guys loses sleep over. What it is that makes his blood pressure rise, what stirs his soul. What he's PASSIONATE about.

We're all getting to the stage where we start thinking about what we're going to DO with the rest of our lives. All those years that stretch out for seemingly infinity, just blank and empty and waiting to be filled with something. Anything. Does it terrify anyone else that we're pretty close to the stage where we will start making decisions that not only affect the next few years, but will shape the contours of our entire lives. It sure as hell scares me!

But what Colin Creel is getting at is that we must look to our passions to figure out what to do with our years. What stirs your soul? Do that! What makes tears well up in your eyes when you think about it... Do it! What makes you pound the table? Do that! We will be satisfied when we let our hearts live out our passions.

I have two final questions that I think are worth alot of thought...
1. What is the greatest risk of pursuing your dreams? Is it worth it?
2. What is the greatest risk of NOT pursuing your dreams? Is that worth it?

nb. material for the above largely taken from Coliin Creel 2005 'Perspectives' it is not plagurism!

Friday, October 20, 2006


Ok, I know that this is unoriginal, but the dictionary definition of perspective is as follows:

6.the faculty of seeing all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship: "Your data is admirably detailed but it lacks perspective."
7.a mental view or prospect: "the dismal perspective of terminally ill patients."

Perspective is a slippery concept at the best of times. You could always argue that because of our very nature, our subjective, selfish nature, perspective is virtually an impossible thing to achieve.
I think that perspective, and by that I mean a rational, sensible outlook on your life, is one of the most difficult things to achieve but by no means impossible.

Maybe I should explain myself a little more. This week, I lost perspective. I lost all sense of reason and rational about my life. Everything went wrong, and in my head, because I had not a shred of perspective, everything was a thousand times more wrong that it actually was.

Gaining a little perspective on things is not easy. For me, it had to be written down in front of me. I had to be told what to do and when to do it. But suddenly, that act of not only taking what's in your head, out of your head and putting it on paper, but also talking to someone else about what's in your head (ok so maybe not ALL of what's in your head!) brings you back into focus with the world.

I know I'll lose perspective many many more times, it is in my nature to panic. Unfortunately for me. But what is fortunate for me is that there are plenty of people around me to remind me to breathe and to help me struggle back into a sense of reason. If anything makes sense from this blog I want it to be this. Never, ever draw away from the people around you completely, because if you're like me and you can lose perspective with people around you, I am not joking when I say you will actually go mad if you are on your own. Let people into your life, and keep the perspective.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Are you happy?

It may sound like a silly question, but how often do you actually think about it? I find myself going through day after day not actually consciously thinking about if I'm happy or not.

So this evening, while I am sitting here unable to see from laughing so so so hard at Eddie Izzard, this evening I am going to ask you that simple question. Are you happy?

If you aren't happy, why are you not happy?
When are you the most happy?
What makes you happy?
What could you do/what could happen to make youself happy?

I'm not being so naiive as to imagine that all you have to do is think happy thoughts and you'll be able to fly to Neverland, I know that life is sometimes crap and there's nothing you can do about it. But very often, in my own experience, when we at least try to find reasons to be happy, it is possible to make a fair amount of the crapness not seem so bad.

SO. Are you happy?

Monday, October 09, 2006


I know it has been a long long time since I wrote anything, the reasons being 1)lack of Internet and 2)lack of time and 3)lack of inspiration.

But now I am back and I have something to write about! Yay.
Everyone who's ever set foot in Durham know just how hilly this lovely place is. And this year, as we're living all those miles away in Scotland... oops I mean Neville's Cross we're feeling the effect of The Hill more than ever. Just the other day when Nicola and I were walking back from the Loveshack (great place!) at around midnight I think I was thinking about this hill that we have come to know if not yet to love.

Nicola pointed out, as we were willing our legs to move us forward, that when you're going up a steep or long hill, you focus all of your thoughts on getting to the top. Everything within you is willing yourself to get closer and closer to the top where you will finally let out a deep sigh and enjoy the downhill you've come to.

I was wondering if people sometimes see their lives as a big uphill trek. I know we sometimes say life feel like we're pushing a steam roller up a hill, or something to that effect, but I was referring more to that focusing of everything you have on getting to the top. On getting to the end. On reaching your destination. Does everything you do point towards one single goal? Do you long for a certain event/situation to materialise? Is this a good way to live? Well, I suppose it depends what your destination is and whether it's worth slogging uphill for. But one thing I know for certain is that when you are forcing yourself up a long and steep hill, you wouldn't do it for no reason. So it certainly wouldn't be worth slaving your life away for no reason, or for a bad reason.

Just a few thoughts.