Monday, October 09, 2006


I know it has been a long long time since I wrote anything, the reasons being 1)lack of Internet and 2)lack of time and 3)lack of inspiration.

But now I am back and I have something to write about! Yay.
Everyone who's ever set foot in Durham know just how hilly this lovely place is. And this year, as we're living all those miles away in Scotland... oops I mean Neville's Cross we're feeling the effect of The Hill more than ever. Just the other day when Nicola and I were walking back from the Loveshack (great place!) at around midnight I think I was thinking about this hill that we have come to know if not yet to love.

Nicola pointed out, as we were willing our legs to move us forward, that when you're going up a steep or long hill, you focus all of your thoughts on getting to the top. Everything within you is willing yourself to get closer and closer to the top where you will finally let out a deep sigh and enjoy the downhill you've come to.

I was wondering if people sometimes see their lives as a big uphill trek. I know we sometimes say life feel like we're pushing a steam roller up a hill, or something to that effect, but I was referring more to that focusing of everything you have on getting to the top. On getting to the end. On reaching your destination. Does everything you do point towards one single goal? Do you long for a certain event/situation to materialise? Is this a good way to live? Well, I suppose it depends what your destination is and whether it's worth slogging uphill for. But one thing I know for certain is that when you are forcing yourself up a long and steep hill, you wouldn't do it for no reason. So it certainly wouldn't be worth slaving your life away for no reason, or for a bad reason.

Just a few thoughts.


Nicola said...

Hello fellow housemate! I'm glad tmy fine eyes i mean deeply meaningful comments have inspired these refelctions lol! I just had a thought, you could imagine perfection as the top of the hill in one sense, many would argue that it is impossible to reach which it is in this life but does that mean what you get out if slogging away to reach it useless? Hmmm?! You could see perfection as a hill in the sense that you'll never reach the top in this life but you will in the next thanks to the big JC! Then you have the other side of the hill to enjoy for eternity!! How awesome is that! Love you! Nic xxx

Helen said...

There was this one guy at my last camp called Tom who suffered from Cerebral Palsy and needed sticks, or a wheelchair most of the time to get around. Your blog just reminds me of one afternoon when he went on the ropes course. I wasnt there but the leaders that went with him were almost crying from how well he did and even how much he really saw God in his life at that point. He said that completing the ropes course was a lot like life, cos you have to keep going through all the hard stuff but when you get to the end its all worth it. It was just so amazing to hear about God working in this guy's life through just one afternoon. Just to share one of the many memories, XXX