Friday, February 23, 2007


I had a really really bad night's sleep last night. Which is unusual for me because I normally fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, or sometimes even before! And then I wake up at whatever sensible time and feel great and raring to start the day. Ok, maybe not quite 'raring' but you get the point. Last night I went to bed all nice and early because I felt tired and head-achey and just generally rubbish, only I could not sleep for aaaaaaages. Then when I finally did get to sleep I kept waking up because I was too hot, and then at 4.37am I woke up with that horrible lurch in my stomach thinking I was going to be sick. So I tried to ingore it, and it didn't go away. Then I realised that maybe I was hungry because I barely ate anything yesterday so I went downstairs for a piece of bread and a hot water bottle to try and stop my stomach churning. I finally did get back to sleep, only to wake up earlyish this morning feeling like I might as well have not bothered.

So now I feel icky and I'm going away for the weekend which will be really nice, but I'm starting it tired so I dread to think what I'll feel like on Sunday! To top all that off I haven't done any work all week, and I know I often say that but this time I mean it, apart from one essay (which is due on Monday anyway) I haven't done anything and I reeeeeaaaally can't be bothered.

Grrr. So it's just a big old rant at the world today. And I gave up alcohol for lent so I can't even go and drown my sorrows in my friend Jack Daniels. lol, not that I would anyway I hasten to add! hee hee. Ah well. Have a fun weekend everyone and think of me trying to tame 25 over-hormonal and hyperactive teenagers!


Nicola said...

Hey Kat! You should have got me to rant or cry on you or something while you were lying down as that seems to put people to sleep lol! only kidding! I haven't been sleeping as I stay up late becasue I don't feel like going to sleep then I get up the next morning and it takes so much more effort to drag myself out of bed, I have actually failed in my efforts to do so, i didn't go to a 10 o'clock last friday as I was nackered! Have a good weekend! after I left the house I was like darn it I wanted to say good bye! Do you think you'll need a chair and a whip this weekend?

Amie said...

I would like to see a picture of you post hair cut. My friend Dallas shaved her hair for cancer research, her hair is long and blonde again now but it was non-existent for a while. I bet you look pretty cool

Ffi said...

Awww darling! if its any consolation be glad u were away this man next door decided to have a kareoke party next 3am!!! it even woke heather up!
cu very soon, hope the weekend has tired u sufficiently to make it possible to return to ur natural sleep patterns!