Wednesday, December 13, 2006

One down... Three to go...

I managed to make myself write yesterday, and then, miraculously, I kept on writing, and writing, and writing until I finished the essay that I had started. A very good day's work. Onto the next one today!

Everyone is going home soon, it feels very strange that this is it, term 1 of year 2 is (almost) officially over. "Time flys when you're having fun". I always used to wish it was the other way round because I hated how slow time went when I was bored, tired, scared or unhappy. I have always had a habit of taking 'mind photos'. When I'm doing something that I never want to end, I look really hard at it and try to take in every detail as if it were a photograph so I will never forget it.
It kind of half works, but memories always fade, that's in the very essence of a memory. Details always become blurred, sounds become muffled and smells almost alwasy disappear completely until you smell it again and then it's like whooshing through time back to the first time you remember that smell.
I know that I will leave here eventually with some of the happiest memories of my life. But it saddens me that memories are all I will be left with.

Oh dear, this wasn't supposed to be a sad blog. I am very excited about going home for Christmas, and my mum is coming up to Durham next week to take me shopping before we go home. So I'm actually really happy... my hands just took over and typed all that about memories! And I have just thought, a wonderful thing about memories is being able to share them with the people who remember the events also.
Anyway, the rain is LASHING at my window and the wind is literally howling... I am beginning to seriously consider just how important my 11am lecture is going to be...

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