Monday, April 30, 2007

This Week.

I havent' written anything for ages for a few reasons... I haven't had anything to say being the main one, but I am aware that that hasn't stopped me before! I haven't had much time this week to do anything, we've been really busy (revision AND partying I promise!) and also because I don't think anyone misses it when I don't write and I mostly do it for myself anyways. I like writing things down, they always make so much momre sense when they are written. So I write a private journal, a blog, and many many lists of the things that I have to do! I have two main lists going... one in a notebook where I write 'useful' stuff, deadlines, shopping lists, house details etc. And the other list goes on my arm. People are always surprised when they see that I write 'to do' lists on my arm... at this very moment is written: 'NE1 MARY's LIBRARY 12.45 A10 M Thompson, Thurs 10th'. It all makes sense to me and I wonder why people are so surprised because to me, my arm is the perfect place to write things that I need to do because I don't lose my arm and I do lose paper, and also because I can't help looking at my arm, and when I write lists on paper sometimes I forget to look at them! So there you go, that was a useful insight into my mind. I got a bad rash in 6th form from writing on my arm every day! So now I do take it easy!

I'm not talking about exams. I've spent something like 7.5 hours in the library this weekend and I actually feel like it has taken a little piece of my soul that I will never get back. It's so quiet in there, all you can here is a clock ticking... and occasional shuffle... a muffled cough... the crackle of papers.... a quiet thud of a book on a table... the clock ticking... it gets louder and louder and louder and soon seems to be coming from inside your own head. It's terrifying and I hate it but I have to go there because I don't get any work done at home, there is so much to distract me! And I don't have the longest concentration span!

Speaking of terrifying things. Is anyone else petrifyed of Mrs Rochester. (oooh that was spooky, the sun was shining bright into my room and then when I typed her name it all went dark and overcast) I think that Mrs Rochester is one of the most frightening fictional characters ever ever ever created. We watched Jane Eyre last night and scared ourselves daft. I had to go to sleep with the light on again. I think it's because she is a real person, and her madness causes her to do terrible things, like set her husband's bed on fire. It's the fact that it could actually happen. Monsters and made-up baddies aren't as scary if you can convince yourself that they are not in anyway real. But madness seems like it could be real. And the way they film it doesn't help, that you don't see her until the final episode and a couple of times the camera is behind her head as she is looking out of a window and all you can see is a little bit of her hair and hear her breathing... it's terrifying!!!! The thought of being watched like that, by a madwoman makes my skin crawl!!!

Anyways, enouogh of this ramble! I really really really need to get up because I have about 35mins to shower, dress, eat, read over something and leave the house. Good luck Kat.
Bye bye.

1 comment:

Helen said...

I went to sleep with the light on too!! Think I turned it off about 6:00 this morning...and ahhh she is so scary! I agree completely, o Kat why did I have to read your blog on her just before going to bed!!!