Tuesday, September 05, 2006

5 reasons...

why hamsters are rubbish...
1) they are incredibly boring, you cannot interact with a hamster and ours never even goes on its wheel.
2) after about one week on not cleaning the cage, they smell really really gross.
3) they wee. everywhere, and for such a small animal they have a surprising amount of wee.
4) you can't even hug a hamster, you'd probably squish it.
5) seeing as they aren't much fun alive you might think they'd be good to eat, but they're so small and scrawny it wouldn't be worth it.

so there, hamsters are officially rubbish. well at least by my dodgy logic!


Helen said...

"3) they wee."

Correct me if im wrong Kat, but you wee aswell dont you??! so why cant hamsters, it wouldn't be natural otherwise, if you think about it!!!

Ffi said...

hehehe you make me laugh kit! and helen that made me laugh out loud! brilliant!however i happen to have loved my hamster! xxx

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

NOOOOOO! Evil, evil evil person. www.pigeonboy.blogspot.com! Hamsters are extremely amusing especially when running around in a ball. Far more entertaining than some 2nd rate film about marriage and death!

Katita said...

oh yeah, forgot the very flawed logic in reason no. 3! but along the same lines, someone else has to clean up hamsters wee, at least i can sort myself out! lol

and tim, hamsters are NOT funny when running around in a ball, and it is not amusing when you sit and giggle so much at the hamster that you can't even hear the film. even if it is a rubbish one!

Helen said...

Sorry kat, i think that;s 3 against 1!

Katita said...

no hamster love. i'm sorry, it just isn't there!

Katita said...

ok ok i owe some people an appology. i am really very worry for offending so many with my thoughtless comments about hamsters. i guess they're not all that bad, but i just don't really take such a fancy to them as some people do.

but i truely sorry for being so harsh, it was not called for.