Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Chocolate and Banana

hello everyone. just thought i'd post just how much i lurve chocolate and banana, in sandwiches, melted together any way, i love them both together. yum.

anyways, just thought i'd put something today a little more serious about something i've been thinking about alot recently. you see i'm beginning to (unfortunately) lose a little faith in humans because it seems to me that you can never really truely know a person. we all think that we know our family, our friends, those closest to us, but then it can happen so easily: they go and do something that makes no sense, that goes against everything you thought you knew about them and there's nothing you can do about it. it makes me wonder if we ever really know anyone at all. maybe we don't ever really get to know a person properly and we live our whole lives deceived into thinking that we do. and yet i know, and everyone knows that we have to live as if we do know the people around us because we couldn't survive if we lived in distrust of everyone. it's like we have to trust everyone knowing that they may well be deceiving us, even if they don't know it yet.

it seems very hard to get past this way of thinking, i do trust the people closest to me and i know how dangerous it is to live knowing that they might or will hurt me, i know how bad that if for relationships and health! but sometimes it is hard to get past that when people can do such unexpected things.

anyway i'm not in a depressed mood or anything i'm really quite happy, but this is just something that's been on my mind recently.
x x x


Ffi said...

Hey kat! glad ur ok hun its so good to hear from u!in regards to this blog - I suffer from the same thoughts about the people i know. It often proves the case that you discover something about some one which u never thought them capable of or thought they would do! however, how i cope with it is by thinking to myself - yes, ok! this is a surprise - however is there something about me that this person doesnt know?probably yes!...so why havent i told them, and if i did or that secret came out in some other way, would they react in the same way as I am now? Everyone keeps parts of themselves secret, often not deliberatly but to protect themselves from exactly the hurt u are talking about! yes people can shock u but in the same way u could probably shock them equally in another situation....just a thought about ur comment...not very comforting but still philosophical! love ya hun xxx

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

yurk chocolate and banana-not nice

Emmie-lou said...

Chocolate and Banana ROCCKS!!! Just like geology!

Katita said...

geology?!?! whatever trevor!

Katita said...

err... yeah so i only just got the geology and rocks connection. duh!

Emmie-lou said...

Lol!! Nm Kat!