Friday, March 17, 2006

home again home again jiggity jig

...something my mother used to sing whenever we got home from somewhere.
so yeah, here i am at home again. it's nice to see everyone here but boy do i miss durham already! i guess it's worse cos everyone else is still there today!
but anywho enough of the wallowing in self pity... this week has been the cooliest week ever!
went out with tim and his friends for drinks on monday night, ended up in some very scarily scary conversations that went right over my head, and from the looks on their faces i'll keep it that way!
but tuesday saw me and ffion in studio yeah! met up with loads of random people and had a great time. how much do i love dancing, it actually is the best form of therapy/exercise/fun/madness ever in the whole wide world! and that's not hyperbole! lol.
and then wednesday was Back2Skool and HOW much fun was that?!?!?! possibly my best night in durham this term, we all went and so did tim and all his friends. we went bouncy-castleing (you so can make that into a verb!) drank tequila shots without the salt... not hugely recommended! and danced the night away quite literally. good old dj robin played the best songs and i am currently learning the words for the killers mr bright side. fantastic song and one which will forever be of dancing in durham!
anyways like i said now i am at home, i fell asleep this afternoon 'watching' the italian job! and i can't wait to go skiing tomorrow! yay! now im going to watch neighbours for possibly the first time since before christmas, wow that is a novel experience for me! lol.
love you all *mwah*

1 comment:

Nicola said...

My mom sings that too when we get back home from somewhere! Back2School was amazing! We defo have to go again! Neighbours is the best soap ever but crazy Harold is doing my nut in! I have missed Charmed soooo much! I cant wait to veg infront of the telly for a bit when I bet back home! Every one is leaving steadily, it's so sad! I was one of the first people to leave last term and now I'll be one of the last! Anyhoo must get back to doing nothing lol! Lots of love Nic xxx