Saturday, December 31, 2005

Lots of Fun Things

hello all. this week has been lots of fun really and i thought i'd just write down what i've been doing so you can all share in the fun-ness. i love that word.
boxing day we went for a walk, we being my whole entire extended family which was fun and then we went for lunch at a lovely little pub, went back to my grandparents and exchanged more presents which is always fun! then my brothers, my cousins and myself went upstairs to curl my cousin's hair and i read nicolas nickleby to them! i quite liked it but it make my brothers fall asleep!
i spent tuesday with tim's extended family which was nice, they are very friendly and lovely and it was nice to spend time with them.
lets see... wednesday... has just totally been erased from my mind.. i can remember what we were meant to be doing but that got cancelled and i can't actually recall what we did! oh well i'm sure it was fun.
then on thursday i went to bath and back in one day! with tim's family to see his grandma who is housebound. didn't see you ffion though i looked out for you! lol. but it was lovely and his grandma is such a lovely lovely person. i really enjoyed that day.
and then friday i went to help look after a friend's five year old granddaughter and her four year old friend which was tiring but fun. they almost cut my hair off but i managed to stop them! and friday evening me and my parents went to tim's house for a meal which was loads of fun. though i did manage to commit possibly the worst social blunder of my entire life!
i shall explain:
we were playing taboo.. (a game where you have to describe something without saying certain words) and tim's brother was describing something small and wiggly that lives in water.... my mind was saying 'tadpole' and my mouth said.... wait for it..... sperm. ooops. i swear i do not know where that came from, and as much as my dad tries to say so, it was NOT on my mind at the time! so yeah, tim is still talking to me though so it can't have been too bad!

anyways i must go now, happy new year to you all. x x x


Nicola said...

Hey kat! I'm glad you have a had a fun week! I don't think i put this on my blog but this may sound a bit sad but i have bought from the shop on peter kay's website; a 'garlic bread?' t-shirt!! I do love peter kay, the only reason i remembered how much i like him is becuase of you! so i've had an enjoyable time watching my peter kay DVD! Anyway, lol have a happy new year!! Lots of love, Nic xxx

Katita said...

yes!!! peter kay rocks! we ar enot going to get any work done in our room next term! lol