Monday, December 19, 2005

December 19th

the day after the day after tomorrow,
i will be able to say,
that the day after the day after that,
is the day before christmas day.

i found that poem in a book and thought it was cool, though i had to go to a calender and work it out! that's cos im abit of a loser really!
im still ill with this nasty cold, but i had enough energy today to go shopping with my mum and brothers which was fun. mum was buying us all a new outfit and i've got a lovely skirt and shrug-type-thing to go with it. we even managed to force my brothers into chosing something nice, though unfortunately mum and richard have just gone back to change his because it has pink on it and he doesnt like it. (he's colourblind so hadn't realised.) shame though, i liked it!

yesterday was the carol service at church which was lovely, people kept coming to talk to me and tim and they always seemed almost surprised we were there, as if once you go to uni you cease to exist! but it was lovely to see everyone again and i was very proud of my mum and dad singing in the choir, it sounded beautiful.

now i'm just about to go and start another book (i've already finished one since coming back!) one thing i really really miss at uni is having the time to just sit down and lose myself in a good book. sometimes, even when life is pretty good, you just need to escape from reality into someone else's world. even if just for a little while.

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