Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Eve Tomorrow!!!

yay yay yay yay yay!!! (that's actually surprisingly hard to type quickly!)
i've done lots of fun things recently, went to see a friend yesterday who's at uni in cambridge so we compared how brilliant durham is in comparison... well i did anyway! then last night i went carol singing with my church, me and my brother and dad made up the musicians and there were loads of people singing. it was lovely, we finished up in a pub playing we wish you a merry christmas! shame that the vicar wouldnt let us stay for a drink! lol

today i had to go to the dentist. grrrr only found out yesterday and the whole time i was in the chair i was praying i wouldnt have to have anything done. the words "fine young lady you're teeth are perfect" were music to my ears. i swear dentists just love inflicting pain on innocent patients.
then i washed all the kitchen windows, inside and out just to prove that i am in fact the perfect daughter! hee hee. it was actually quite fun if i can say that without being ridiculed!
then i read some more, i'm on my third very fat book (of a series of five) since coming home! mum says she's sick of me being so anti-social and i'm in a wierd kind of bitter-sweet limbo, i can't stop reading the books, but at the same time whenever i'm not reading them i feel sort of disorientated and lost!

anyways tomorrow is christmas eve! yesssss... im playing my flute at church in a servicey thingy for children, then im going to see tim then im going to a carol service (my fifth i think!) and then the midnight service. i love christmas!!!

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