Thursday, May 17, 2007

An update.

That was a little man falling off a cliff.

This blog is coming to you from my bed, in my pyjamas, watching Scrubs and not thinking about exams. Ok, so maybe I am thinking about exams a little bit! But seriously, who isn't? Even people who don't have exams at the moment have to think about them because everyone else is. Exams are nasty little buggers. They make people stress, cry, shout, get angry, feel rubbish, stress, lose sleep, worry, stress... did I say stress? I hate exams. For me, it's a stupid way to test what I know because I always go blank in exams. I'll write really hard for say half an hour and then suddenly I go blank. And I'll sit there trying to remember who I am, why I'm there and what I'm supposed to be doing. Hate it.

But as I said, everyone hates exams, so I'm not going to talk about them.

I got the top of my ear pierced yesterday, it was National Piercing Day I was forced to! lol. It looks really good and it didn't even hurt in the night, I managed to not sleep on my left side all night which was good. I'm going to dye my hair bright pink soon too. You may think I've suddenly gone mad. Maybe I have. But to be honest I don't care. I have never had to courage to do anything different like this, and I don't really know where it's come from this time. Maybe it's to do with the fact that once you manage to do one brave thing, it gets easier after that. I have always wanted to do crazy things with my hair, but I just didn't have the guts. Strangely, shaving it all off didn't feel like a difficult thing to do, but the great thing is that now I can do whatever I like. One of the best things about it is that I feel like I can express something of the inside me on the outside.

For as long as I can remember I've struggled to properly define myself. I've said this before, but I used to think of myself as two different people, Kat and Katherine. I guess I still do in some ways, and there's so much about me that I don't understand. I think that being able to explore that on the outside is really great and I feel like I can look in the mirror and at least see somethings that look good!

Oooh this has turned quite personal, I genuinely didn't mean it to, I was going to write about something really daft to get as far away from the 'E' word as possible! Tim and I have our 5 year anniversary on Friday. Every year I've said this but I can't believe it's that long. Looking back it shocks me how young I was when I was 16. But I'm sure that in 5 years time I'll look back and think how young I was at 21.

Pants, I just looked at the time, it's 9.30am I really really need to get up and dressed and get on with some work. Urgh. I'm fed up with it and I know it's not long to go now, and I know I have no choice but to keep going. But it's sooooo hard. I just want it to be over. But then who doesn't?

Appologies again for the boringness of this, but hey if you don't like it, don't read it. I don't write it for you anyway.



Emmie-lou said... hair??!! Kinda know what you mean about having courage to do one brave thing, it's like dominoes!! Here's to showing some of hte real you!! :-D

Helen said...

I know!!! I was saying today, exams are so not worth the (hmmm...?) stress (?!) they totally affect people in more ways than actually imaginable and they aren't actually testing your knowledge, they are testing how good you are at writing bits of work which refer to things specifically in a context which is never going to help you later on in life, and seeing if you can do it all in a short space of time..It's Ridiculous!!!
Bring on the end of exams....!!!