Saturday, November 04, 2006


Do you ever wonder why you are the person you are? Not just who you are... but why. What factors have made you into the person you are today. What did you parents do/believe that gave you the beliefs you have today? What kind of background do you have? Do you agree with it or did you rebel against it? Why did you have the kind of friends you had? Why do you have the kind of friends you have now? Was it all by accident? Or did you deliberately fashion youself the way you wanted to be? Or the way you didn't want to be?

If you could, would you completely swap your life for someone elses? Who? Why? Or maybe would you change a few things about your life? Or keep it the same? Maybe you wish you were cooler? Or richer? Or more daring? Or less stupid? Or more intelligent? Or less intelligent? Maybe you wish you'd 'been there and done everything'? Maybe you wish you hadn't...?

I don't really know where all these questions have come from and it isn't at all what I intended to write today... but I was just thinking about all the millions of little details, people, beliefs, societies, etc etc etc that have come together to make each one of us the person we are today. In all honesty, most of the time I wish I was someone else. I look at all the different people around me, my friends, people I admire, people who I barely know and wish I was more like them in one way or another.

Usually it helps me to think that the God I believe in is so big and so perfect that he doesn't make mistakes, and so for one reason or another, He made me turn out exactly the way I am today on purpose. I have so many problems and faults and issues and fears and dislikes with myself, but if God is all-powerful, which I am totally convinces He is, then I guess it should comfort me that He loves me just the way I am... Interesting things to think about.


Nicola said...

Hey Kat! Greetings from brummieland! I have no idea why you would want to swap with anyone, you are an amazing person! I would swap families with you, looks with you, personality with you any day! Your so enthusiastic, lively, friendly, sweet, kind, thoughtful, silly when you want to be, serious when you want to be/have to be, fun, absolutely mad in ways (but I love you more for it!), laid back most of the time when you're not stressing over all the things you have to do! lol, you're the type of person people warm to instantly! These are the types of traits others wish they had! I'm also pretty sure you know all of the things I just told you! I'm not trying to convince you that you're a lovely person as if you need me to to feel better because I know you're the type of person who sometimes focuses on their flaws but can snap themselves out of thinking they don't want to be themselves as you;ve shown in your blog! I just wanted to let you know that I think you're amazing and I wouldn't change any part of you! Lots of love and hugs, Nic xxx

Katita said...

Thank you Nicola, I wouldnt want people to get the impression I was looking for validation with that post, as hopefully I'm sure you don't... but what you said means so much to me. Thank you.