Thursday, May 18, 2006

long time.

... in a different sense this time. it is four years today since tim asked me out. amie asked me this morning if i feel alot different since then. i was thinking, yeah i guess i do. so much has happened since that day and at my little baby 16 years old i really do think i am different from then! i think tim and i probably have both changed alot since then. hopefully in good ways!

i don't have another exam now until tuesday. i feel like i'm in a constant state of pensiveness at the moment and i dont really know why. i just feel pretty melancholy and thoughtful! the weather has been so beautiful recently, yesterday was pouring with rain and today is perfectly still and calm and i feel like i just want to be outside, on top of a hill, watching the sunset and thinking. all on my own with no-one there. i dont know why, i don't want to be away from people, i just feel like i want to be on top of a hill!

random. xxx


Emmie-lou said...

Happy 4th Anniversary Kat and Timmy!!! Hope there's 40 more to come...(see what I did there??!!) and more I'm sure!

Amie said...

sometimes hills are good, when one isn't to be found there are often substitutes but I admitt, Durham isn't the easiest place to find quiet or solitude....good thing that most of the time we are quite content not to be especially. Congrats on your anniversary, too bad Tim didn't get the geekoid....oh well, I'm sure there'll be more!!!