Monday, April 10, 2006

Road Rage, you just gotta laugh...

... well i was laughing yesterday and the nutter who got really mad at me! let me explain:
i was driving down Leeds Road (which is a fairly major road for anyone who doesn't know!) at 9pm last night and i wanted to turn off to the right but as i indicated and slowed down i suddenly thought, from looking at the road layout that you couldn't turn that way, also i would have had to cross two lanes of traffic, so i quickly turned off the indicator and drove straight on. when i began to indicate there was no-one behind me, but as i pulled off there was a car behind me who must have been going really fast and he slammed on his horn. (sorry i shouldn't be sexist it could have been a woman!) and he kept on his horn almost all the way down the rest of that road to the roundabout. i couldn't help but giggle, i really hadn't done that much and he shouldn't have been driving in my boot! anyways then i went all the way round the roundabout to go back the way i'd come and he beeped at me again as he overtook me. i really did find it funny, especially that he was probably swearing at me and getting himself (or herself) into a right tizz when i couldn't care less!

so there's the lesson for today, don't get angry on the road, it doesn't help anyone because the person you're angry at won't even know, or care and is probably laughing at you! i think that alot of life is like that. when you get angry with someone it's only effective if they care, otherwise you just get wound up yourself. my parents (as wise as they are) always used to say about people embarrassing you that the only person who can make you embarrassed is yourself, because if you didn't let it bother you, then nothing anyone did would cause you embarrassment. it is true, though i'm sure they only said it so they could carry on trying to embarrass us in public!

so there's my thought for the day, whatever your emotions are, they are probably caused by and affect only you, or at least mainly you. so don't get stressed, angry or embarrassed when it's probably not worth it and definately bad for your health! be happy and all that jazz!
x x x


vix said...

Hey Kat!

Hope your holidays are going well, not working too hard or anything?
Yes, I love Pride and Prejudice, though I still think the BBC version is better... Colin Firth!
My Mum used to say the exact same thing about embarrasment, and also when my brother would try to wind me up! As to road rage, not having ever driven a car, I can't say its affected me!
Bye! xx

Emmie-lou said...

I think it was probably a guy...

Nicola said...

Yo kat! I hope all is well! The only road rage I've ever experienced is that of people getting annoyed at me because I was a learner, I'm sure when I can drive properly I wont give learners any slack so I can't complain! I don't know about you but I can't wait to go back to durham, even if I had done hours of work and revision everyday I would still be as desparate as I am now to get out of here! Anywho! I shall away! See you soon Nic xxx

Ffi said...

Hey gal! i agree with vix having never driven a car i wouldnt know what road rage in the first person is like...however i have been the victim of passenger-roadrage-itus....a strange disease affecting those of us who cannot drive and has similar symptoms to ordinary bog-standard road rage onlt done from the passenger seat....oh well it usually makes the driver laugh!!! hehe! love ya chicken xxx

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Are you sure it wasn't a friend of yours waving madly and beeping at you and trying to get your attention? Just a thought