Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Stuff

Well well well, it's a loooooong time since I wrote a blog, I feel quite out of practice. This isn't going to be a proper blog though because the reason I stopped writing so often still stands, I don't really have anything else to say. I am aware that this has not stopped me in the past... but I figured no-one was really bothered to read about nothing and I couldn't be bothered to write about nothing!

So why am I writing now? Mostly just so the poor old blog page doesn't feel neglected. But also because some new stuff has been going on since... errr.. Christmas:

1. We had a fancy dress party last term and I went as a pirate (of course). It was fun.
2. I have actually begun to vaguely enjoy watching football... the effect of six years with Timothy Marjoribanks and being the good girlfriend and going with him to match after match. Last night I went to see Man-U-Barca and almost got lynched. The barnam spilled my beer all over me too when Barca almost scored. Was funny.
3. I am coming back to England in just over 5 weeks and I am mucho excited.
4. I have no more time to write now because I have to go to a class that I am fairly sure will be unbelievably frustrating as I watch the teacher exercise almost no discipline over the students who will be paying absolutely no attention to her and acting as if she massively inconveniences them every time she interrupts their conversations to ask a question. It's a shame because she's a lovely person.
5. Bye.

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