Sunday, January 29, 2006

hhmmm there seems to be a problem...

well i think my blogsite may have broken itself... i can't get onto it from my computer which is very silly and annoying. but i'm writing this in the hope that someone somewhere will be able to read my thoughts and have their life enriched... or something to that effect.
i have been very apathetic over the past few days, (isn't that a lovely word) and not done any work at all other than a few very very easy spanish grammar exercises. it's very difficult now to get back into the 'i-am-at-uni-and-therefore-must-work-for-my-degree' mode. hence the temporary distraction of blogness!
a few things to mention from this week, a kind of 'note to self' thing...
  • tequillas (you know the salt/lime thing) are very very very fun
  • gladiator really does make me cry as much as i thought it did
  • 24 is totally addictive and i love jack bower!
  • st mary's brunch is definately the best meal invented
  • and for some unknown reason i feel like i've fallen in love with tim all over again this week.

it's been a happy week.
bye for now all my lovelies.


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

not to be picky-but it's Jack Bauer. thought i may as correct it early on xxx

Katita said...

oh no! now i feel like an idiot. grrr

Helen said...

i love that last bullet sweet..