it has been a little while since i wrote here, but you know places to see people to go and all that. the diccu houseparty was really fun it was great to get to know people from other colleges, we had some great teaching and lots of cups of tea!
i am so unbelievably happy to be back in durham, my first week has been pretty incredible really and for no particular reason i just feel very happy to be here. sharing with heather and nicola is proving to be great fun so far and we've had no major disasters unless you count me locking myself out countless times and smashing my brand new lamp yesterday... but they all seem to be my own doing so yeah it's all good!
i finished both my essays, handed them in. we went to studio on tuesday lots of fun. and last night was the long awaited harry potter formal. so so so much fun, i think i made a pretty good hermione, especially with, what was it, a small amount of wine inside me!!! i'll put a couple of photos below.
we're looking forward to the fun-ness of house-hunting next week!
love you all x x x

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