oooh isn't that a nice list of random objects-that-are-fun? well i think so anyways and i was sitting down here to write this next instalment in the happy life of kat i was thinking along these lines: 'oooh i really want a coffee... and i'd like to get it soon so i can eat the chocolate bar i have with it... and i can't wait ti pick up my photo-poster tomorrow (photo opposite)... and that baby i was holding this morning in church was soooo amazingly cute and i really really really want one too.' how about that as an insight into my mind! oh and also there's the song 'calling all disciples' in there that we sang at church this morning. unfortunately i rather dislike the song so i'm trying to think of a new one!!!
i'm really starting to look forward to going back to durham now, i wasn't for a while because i'd got pretty comfortable here at home, but when i think about all the fun and randomness of uni, i'm getting pretty excited about it again!
i haven't done anything especially exciting in the past few days, i was meant to be going out for a drink with tim but in the end we decided to stay in a watch 'much ado about nothing' which was very funny actually! good cast. but yes it is confirmed, we are the most boring non-married couple ever! but i don't care. ooh i also did abit of shopping and bought a new top and a light for my room which is really pretty. so all in all a fun few days!
love you all x x x
1 comment:
hey sweetness!
i love 'much ado' its my second favorite shakespeare play and that adaptation is so well done...and i think very funny! i love the randomness of your mind, reminds me of dumbledore in HP1 when he gives a list of random words as his start of term speech!(...i am a bit of a geek aren't i?!?) i agree about the whole getting excited bout uni thing, i had a row with my parents today...definatly a bad sign!
Love u and your randomness Fi xxx
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