Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's Over.

The most important thing to say first before anything else is said is that EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! I feel so good about it, however I am fairly confident that a little piece of my soul will forever remain in the exam rooms. Still, the sun came out just in time too! The past couple of days have been soooooo good. Thursday was chilled out, I got my ear pierced again as a reward for getting through the exams! I got my conch and daith of my right ear pierced and it looks really really good. I love them. Yay. Um. then what else did I do on Thursday? Oh yeah Heather had two friends staying over so I made a nice tea... pate and french bread, chicken stirfry with plum sauce and a chocolate cognac cake for pudding. We haven't had pudding for aaaaages so that was nice!

Friday was also chilled out. I spent two hours in the Botanic Gardens taken photos. I cannot express how much fun that was. I had never been there before, which, seeing as they are soooo beautiful is actually really bad because I've been here for two years now! But they are gorgeous. There are all sorts of really lovely flowers and trees and the garden are joined by little paths and steps and walkways. The sun was very hot and I just took photo after photo after photo. When I got home I downloaded Picasa onto my laptop and spent ages going through and changing all the little things. I used to watch my Dad doing the same thing and never quite understood the attraction, but now I'm hooked. I was thinking of posting some of them here, but I might just hang on and see if people think they are actually any good first.

Then last night I went down to the Angel which was lovely, we sat outside. And then went for chocolate fudge cake in Spoons. Which, by the way, is AMAZING chocolate cake. And I know chocolate cake. Then I met Tim and joined up with Ditt and everyone else for college bars and then Planet of Sound. Which was rubbish to begin with. I had to endure such musical attrocities as Mika, Scissor Sisters... um I actually can't remember the other ones I didn't like, I blocked them from my mind! lol. Of course he finished with SClub Reach which I do DESPISE, even though I do know all the words! And even the trance was pretty pants. But then the cheese got abit better and we had a few classics, Summer of 69, Livin on a Prayer, Mr Brightside (with actions, we taught them to Gary and he found it very funny!) Country Roads, Final Countdown. We didn't get Insomnia though which upset me, maybe it was downstairs while we were upstairs. Anyway. We ate curly fries too. Whichever genius decided to do food at Planet should get a big shiny medal.

OOOOOOHHHHH I've just remembered, I bought a wrist band with a pirate on it the yesterday too. Nicola and Ffion and Tim all told me that I am a 14 year old loser. I do not care. It makes me giggle to see the skull and crossbones on my arm because then I feel like a pirate. I've been living on an imaginery pirate ship for the past few days. I am Cap'n Kat. Aaaarrrr. I also had my first ever 'Frappe' yesterday. That word makes me laugh because it sounds like in Finding Nemo when Dory is reading the 'escape' sign and she pronounced it 'escapay'. Like frappe... no? Oh well, just me then. Anyway, it was quite nice really, I had a mocha one and it was very filling. Also I found out that all the espresso coffee, the chocolate and the vanilla in Esquires is Fairtrade so I'll be going back there again, forget the Starbucks crap we get in the DSU. Grrr to them.

So now it's Saturday. We're going to Revolver tonight, Ditt said it's rubbish but hey never been before and it'll be fun. We'll make it fun even if I have to streak. Actually I don't think that would make it fun for anyone! But I would like to do that one day, it would be hilarious! I think I might find a book and go sit outside and read for abit. I haven't read something for the fun of it for far too long. I'll blog again with something more profound than a rundown of my life at some point! I just have to think 'profound' thoughts. Oooh I hope there's some bread I really want a fried egg sandwich for breakfast/lunch. (It's quite late, I did only get in at 4!) Flip the egg over, squash the yolk and put honey woodsmoke brown sauce all over it. Yum yum yummy yum yum.



Nicola said...

How be ye Cap'n Kat arrr mi harty! LOL! You're a big loser but I love you for it! It is so weird, frappe reminds me of finding nemo as well H I larious! Is it piratey to have a ring in your eyebrow? I could be first mate Nicola! What would Cap'n kat's ship be called? The Red Falcon, The Rising Sun, The Roebuck, The Oracle I am a bigger loser! Love Nic xxx

vix said...

I didn't call you a 14 yr old loser... I think having a pirate wrist band makes you very cool!!!

Um. Maybe don't streak at Revolver... or at least save that for your last week of Uni!

And aahhhh! I love Finding Nemo, and the "Escape (Escarpay!)" bit is one of my favourites!!!


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

I didn't call you 14!!