Sunday, January 29, 2006

hhmmm there seems to be a problem...

well i think my blogsite may have broken itself... i can't get onto it from my computer which is very silly and annoying. but i'm writing this in the hope that someone somewhere will be able to read my thoughts and have their life enriched... or something to that effect.
i have been very apathetic over the past few days, (isn't that a lovely word) and not done any work at all other than a few very very easy spanish grammar exercises. it's very difficult now to get back into the 'i-am-at-uni-and-therefore-must-work-for-my-degree' mode. hence the temporary distraction of blogness!
a few things to mention from this week, a kind of 'note to self' thing...
  • tequillas (you know the salt/lime thing) are very very very fun
  • gladiator really does make me cry as much as i thought it did
  • 24 is totally addictive and i love jack bower!
  • st mary's brunch is definately the best meal invented
  • and for some unknown reason i feel like i've fallen in love with tim all over again this week.

it's been a happy week.
bye for now all my lovelies.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just a Quick One

Hello all. Or whoever.
Just thought I'd take a break from my French translation to say blblblb. (I really have no idea how else to write that, you know the annoying noise I always make!)
I've just realised I'm using capital letters properly unlike my usual laziness, my Daddy will be proud of him. It is terrible how people corrupt the beautifulness that is the English language! hee hee.

Anyway life is fun isn't it. Sometimes it's great and sometimes it's not but I reckon there's always something to make you giggle, so that makes it fun. Like a roller coaster. I wish I would think of an original simile for life, I'm sure a box of chocolates has been done before...
Well, tootlepip, it's Burn's Night so enjoy your haggis everyone, I certainly will!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Hogwarts, A History...good book

bonjour a tous, hola a todos, hallo alles, hello everyone!

it has been a little while since i wrote here, but you know places to see people to go and all that. the diccu houseparty was really fun it was great to get to know people from other colleges, we had some great teaching and lots of cups of tea!
i am so unbelievably happy to be back in durham, my first week has been pretty incredible really and for no particular reason i just feel very happy to be here. sharing with heather and nicola is proving to be great fun so far and we've had no major disasters unless you count me locking myself out countless times and smashing my brand new lamp yesterday... but they all seem to be my own doing so yeah it's all good!
i finished both my essays, handed them in. we went to studio on tuesday lots of fun. and last night was the long awaited harry potter formal. so so so much fun, i think i made a pretty good hermione, especially with, what was it, a small amount of wine inside me!!! i'll put a couple of photos below.
we're looking forward to the fun-ness of house-hunting next week!
love you all x x x

Thursday, January 12, 2006

We're off to see the wizerd... I can't wait to get on the road again...

yeah i know it's a daft title, but i couldn't decide which was best for an 'i'm-leaving-and-going-back-to-durham-today' song so i put them both.
a very strange thing has occured though, i was going to write at the top the song that's in my head as i did yesterday just to prove i do always have one in my head.. and today, i have not one, not even two but three songs all in my head at the same time. it sounds very cluttered up there, kind of hard to distinguish between them and i'm getting lines like 'no more gazing across the wasted wizerd, the wonderful wizerd of the road again...' yeah i know kind of messed up really but never mind.
i think i'm all packed, im going to go and get some biscuits to take to houseparty and then i'm done! yay.

but before i go i thought i'd just add something about a program i watched yesterday about that case in 1990 where 16 children were taken away from their parents because social workers believed them to be being involved in sexually abusive satanic rituals with their parents. the social workers truely believed they were rescuing the kids, and it all started because one little boy was hiding under a table at school saying he was hiding from the ghosts that were going to get him. then the social workers interpreted everything the children said as evidence they were being horrifically abused. it was later found out that nothing like that was going on at all, and the kids were returned to their families, all but the little boy who was in care for 10 years. it's ruined their lives basically, they were all saying that they've had their childhoods taken away. and yet the social workers truely truely belived they were helping. misguidedness is actually a very frightening thing. much more so than open maliciousness because it's so much harder to condemn.

anyway that's too serious for a lovely sunny day like today but it hit me quite hard last night after i'd watched the program. like one of the girls said, all kids have imaginations and all kids will answer an adult's questions. if they had asked me as a child i would have told them that a pair of red eyes would look at me round my bedroom door unless i closed it in exactly the right place, and i had to run to fast into my bed because there was a crocodile that would eat me, and sometimes i'd collapse in the middle of a swimming pool scared that the shark would eat me.
all children have imaginations. it's scary how they were interpretted with those children.

sorry about that, i'll see you all in durham. apart from those of you reading this who aren't in durham and then i wont. see you in durham that is...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Almost Packed

song in my head right now: 'amie' damien rice

i am so ready to go back to durham now! and i seem to have way more stuff than i went with last term, luckily my dad has a big car cos i don't know what i'd leave behind!
yesterday was a very fun day, i went with tim to see a friend from church and her gorgeous little 1year old. Maya is such a charmer it's lovely, and she has the best run i have ever seen in a kid, she kicks her legs out sideways as she runs, it's really very funny!
in the afternoon i went to get my photo-poster, the photo is one my dad took so now i have my poster that no-one else in the whole world has! yay. tim and i also tried looking for some clothes for him which is always lots of fun. especially in harrogate where there are a grand total of three clothes shops for boys: burtons, marks and spencers (if you're over 30 that is) and next. oooh yay bring on the choice. it doesn't help that he's so tall and thin, there isn't alot really and in the end we gave up. but it was fun all the same!

oooh me and my mum started watching shapespeare in love yesterday. i love that film and not just cos it makes me cry! lol. i do love stories and films and fantasy and make-believe, it would be so amazing to live in a love story where there is a happy ending, granted shakespeare in love doesnt really have that happy an ending but it's such a romantic story all the same. i really am a true romantic at heart. i don't act like one though, but that's because the concept of 'romance' today is actually very different from in the stories, there's never anyone trying to kill you for starters! lol. i'm sure one day i'll get my fairy tale ending, till then: i dream.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Coffee, Chocolate, Photos, Babies...

oooh isn't that a nice list of random objects-that-are-fun? well i think so anyways and i was sitting down here to write this next instalment in the happy life of kat i was thinking along these lines: 'oooh i really want a coffee... and i'd like to get it soon so i can eat the chocolate bar i have with it... and i can't wait ti pick up my photo-poster tomorrow (photo opposite)... and that baby i was holding this morning in church was soooo amazingly cute and i really really really want one too.' how about that as an insight into my mind! oh and also there's the song 'calling all disciples' in there that we sang at church this morning. unfortunately i rather dislike the song so i'm trying to think of a new one!!!

i'm really starting to look forward to going back to durham now, i wasn't for a while because i'd got pretty comfortable here at home, but when i think about all the fun and randomness of uni, i'm getting pretty excited about it again!
i haven't done anything especially exciting in the past few days, i was meant to be going out for a drink with tim but in the end we decided to stay in a watch 'much ado about nothing' which was very funny actually! good cast. but yes it is confirmed, we are the most boring non-married couple ever! but i don't care. ooh i also did abit of shopping and bought a new top and a light for my room which is really pretty. so all in all a fun few days!

love you all x x x

Thursday, January 05, 2006


i went to see the film 'The Producers' yesterday with tim. after a slightly odd first 20 minutes (during which a couple walked out!!! what's that about?! if you've paid then no matter how aweful it is you should stay and get you're money's worth!!!) the film turned out to be really very funny. it was just mine and tim's humour and we were killing ourselves laughing at it! and tim liked it especially because there were some pigeons, (his favourite animal, his blog:!) there was even one that saluted the hail hitler!! (the film involves a play called springtime for hitler written by a crazy ex nazi guy wearing a tin helmet who lives on the roof of a building with pigeons in cages)

anyways the point i was coming to was vaguely related to pigeons (in my head), it actually isn't at all!!!). i was thinking the other day about how easy it is to dislike something just because someone else likes it. i know that sounds strange but i know it happens alot between siblings: your brother says he likes something and you immediately say you hate it just to annoy him. well, i do that, i bet there are other people who do too. it's kind of an odd thing to do though because if you like someone it's actually really mean to do things that irritate them, so why is there a certain level of satisfaction in knowing that you've annoyed someone? it could just be me here but i dont think so. i also think that i should try alot harder not to annoy the people i like!!!

i wonder if anyone else ever gets so annoyed with themselves they would like to run from themselves. shame it's not possible!
so anyways, just random thoughts in my head, i think i've pretty much assertained that no-one reads my blog much so i've decided just to let the 'creative juices' flow and write whatever is in my mind at the time i'm sitting typing.
good luck!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Am I Mad?

there are some people, (who shall remain nameless) who believe that i am mad. i commented that i always have a song in my head. it's not always the same song, but there is always a song in my head, kind of like background music. sometimes even when i'm talking to people it's like i can hear music, in my head.
anyway, so i said this because i've always thought it was relatively normal, but apparantly it isn't! i wondered what was in people's head if there wasn't music, and some said thoughts, which yeah obviously i have those in my head too, but some people said 'nothing'. i don't totally understand how you could have nothing in your head but there you go, i'm mad!

so i thought i would pose the question and see how many other people have songs in their head all the time. (this is probably going to make me look stupid when no-one replies because no-one reads this blog, but i'm asking anyways)

things are ok here, i'm in the middle of essay writing now which is delightful. and it's only a week and a day until i return to durham. that's quite a scary thought! hope you're all well, (whoever 'you' are!)
x x x

Monday, January 02, 2006

Well Well Well, 2006

so this is the point where i'm supposed to be all philosophical and do the whole looking back and looking forward thing that so many people do at the beginnig of a new year... but to be honest, i don't really like doing that. last year is gone and next year i can't know yet. perhaps that's not such a great attitude to take but i struggle enough as it is to live in the present and not be consumed by the past or worried about the future. so if you don't mind i'm just going to stick with the here and now!

something our speaker said in church yesterday really struck me so i thought i'd share it with you, it's certainly something i want to try to remember this year:

"time is the most precious gift, because it is irrevocable."

welcome to the new year everyone. x x x