Friday, June 02, 2006


aren't friends the best things ever? well at least since sliced bread.
but seriously, i don't know where i'd be without all my friends. and it's only since coming to durham that i've realised how amazing true friends are. how there are people here that love me and accept me for who i am and would do anything for me. how incredible is that?!

last night we had a very girly girly night with the 'mildert lot' and it was soooo much fun. proper post-exam destressness. (which btw totally is a word, i looking in the dictionary.) and not only was it fun and brilliant to just chill out and go wild, but also i was given a place to sleep, and shampoo to have a shower (thanks vicky!) and it was awesome to be around such great people! i know this doesn't sound much, but my friends here in durham, all of them, are such an important part of my life, i just feel so privilaged and blessed by everyone.

so yeah, here's to all my friends.


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

what were the best things before sliced bread? And are you implying that having friends is on the same level as having sliced bread?? hmmmm

Ffi said...

yey! bug up the friends!!!! lol :D xxx

Helen said...

just shampoo? no towel?