Wednesday, May 17, 2006

long time.

i have managed to not write for so long that i can't even think of something to write now.
i could write about exams, and how i hardly see anyone who isn't stressed except me. but exams are boring. so i wont. i could write about the rabbits that have been breading like rabbits that live outside our windows, there are so many now and are so cute to watch, but are a distraction from revision!

i could write about something totally random like how odd it is that you only will ever see things through your own eyes and i'm not even being philosophical here talking about perspectives, i genuinely mean that it is strange that you can never, ever see the same thing that someone else sees. what if every person sees a completely different world from everyone else? we will never, ever know the answer to that.

i could write something serious and thought provoking about just how difficult it is for us to live the lives we want to live, how hard it is to do what we want. it says in the Bible how we always do the things we don't want to do and never seem to do the things we want to do. how true that is. tim wrote about regrets on his blog, and how easy it is to regret either doing or not doing something. i find myself making new resolutions almost every day and then at the end of the day find that they haven't featured in my life that day at all. i am left feeling ashamed that i can't be a better person... and then the next day i fail to do what i want again.

i could write about so many things. i feel like my head is a big water balloon that if filling up with stuff. some of it useful, some of it not! and it feels like anytime soon it might burst and i'll become totally insane! i sometimes think that i think too much, and in thinking that i realise that i am thinking about thinking, which is just another thing to add to my brain that is already so full of thoughts.

i have often wished that i were really good at something, really good at art, or music, or poetry, or writing stories, because i have so much inside me that i want to express, so many feelings about things that i want to show other people but i feel like i have no medium in which to express myself. i have tried drawing how i feel, but it doesn't work. how then did the famous painters do it? i have tried to write what is inside me but it just doesn't come out right, it just seems clumsy and stupid.

i could write so many things.
but these are just a few of my thoughts at the moment. life is interesting.

1 comment:

Helen said...

aw im so glad you've written on your bloag again, kept checking it but it as still Easter (not that i cant talk cos im rubbisha t updating mine!)
thats it!