Tuesday, April 04, 2006

hello everyone and anyone.
today has been quite a fun day. i watched myself as a little kid on the video we have this morning, it was very amusing and it really felt like i was watching another person more than myself. i guess because i don't actually remember saying and doing those things it just doesn't feel like me. but anyways i summed up that i was quite a sweet but incredibly annoying child!
i thought i would put in a random picture to make this post more fun:

this is me holding the baby of a friend from church. she was only one day old! (the baby not the friend...) anyways just thought i'd put it on here for no particular reason. (well actually the reason is because the picture i wanted to put on won't upload so i chose this one instead but you didn't really need to know all that)

so there you go. funness.
i also went to tim's house today for elevenses and lunch (he thinks all i think about is food!) and then i went to work and then my friend's house where we had fun looking at more videos of us, but this was from only two years ago!

so all in all a fun day for me! i hope everyone is well and happy and happy and well. i'm not working tomorrow but i'm going to have to do lots of revision seeing as i haven't done any all week. oh no! (insert sarcasm here)
love y'all x x x

1 comment:

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Where are yooooooouu