...i asked my brother what i should write about today and this is what he said. easter.
so, seeing as it is a pretty good thing to talk about i will. he's quite clever really.
i read tim's blog just now about easter day and what it means to him, you should read it it's www.pigeonboy.blogspot.com i was thinking about how different people approach easter and its meaning. the sermon at church yesterday was about looking for Jesus among the living not among the dead. that means looking for him in the real world not just in a dark stuffy stone church building every few public holidays. i guess though that this is all christianity is to alot of people. it's sad for me to think this because Jesus is so alive to me and my life is worth living because of him.
something else tim had written on his blog (he's a very good writer actually) was about we live our lives to love and to be loved. in every context i can think of this is the case... religion, friends, relationships, life itself. life is all about love... every kind of love you can think of, and something i've begun to realise recently is how important it is to love 'life'.
i guess i should end with some cheesy cliched quote or proverb or something. but i'm not going to! enjoy your day everyone. love life.
x x x
Monday, April 17, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Road Rage, you just gotta laugh...
... well i was laughing yesterday and the nutter who got really mad at me! let me explain:
i was driving down Leeds Road (which is a fairly major road for anyone who doesn't know!) at 9pm last night and i wanted to turn off to the right but as i indicated and slowed down i suddenly thought, from looking at the road layout that you couldn't turn that way, also i would have had to cross two lanes of traffic, so i quickly turned off the indicator and drove straight on. when i began to indicate there was no-one behind me, but as i pulled off there was a car behind me who must have been going really fast and he slammed on his horn. (sorry i shouldn't be sexist it could have been a woman!) and he kept on his horn almost all the way down the rest of that road to the roundabout. i couldn't help but giggle, i really hadn't done that much and he shouldn't have been driving in my boot! anyways then i went all the way round the roundabout to go back the way i'd come and he beeped at me again as he overtook me. i really did find it funny, especially that he was probably swearing at me and getting himself (or herself) into a right tizz when i couldn't care less!
so there's the lesson for today, don't get angry on the road, it doesn't help anyone because the person you're angry at won't even know, or care and is probably laughing at you! i think that alot of life is like that. when you get angry with someone it's only effective if they care, otherwise you just get wound up yourself. my parents (as wise as they are) always used to say about people embarrassing you that the only person who can make you embarrassed is yourself, because if you didn't let it bother you, then nothing anyone did would cause you embarrassment. it is true, though i'm sure they only said it so they could carry on trying to embarrass us in public!
so there's my thought for the day, whatever your emotions are, they are probably caused by and affect only you, or at least mainly you. so don't get stressed, angry or embarrassed when it's probably not worth it and definately bad for your health! be happy and all that jazz!
x x x
i was driving down Leeds Road (which is a fairly major road for anyone who doesn't know!) at 9pm last night and i wanted to turn off to the right but as i indicated and slowed down i suddenly thought, from looking at the road layout that you couldn't turn that way, also i would have had to cross two lanes of traffic, so i quickly turned off the indicator and drove straight on. when i began to indicate there was no-one behind me, but as i pulled off there was a car behind me who must have been going really fast and he slammed on his horn. (sorry i shouldn't be sexist it could have been a woman!) and he kept on his horn almost all the way down the rest of that road to the roundabout. i couldn't help but giggle, i really hadn't done that much and he shouldn't have been driving in my boot! anyways then i went all the way round the roundabout to go back the way i'd come and he beeped at me again as he overtook me. i really did find it funny, especially that he was probably swearing at me and getting himself (or herself) into a right tizz when i couldn't care less!
so there's the lesson for today, don't get angry on the road, it doesn't help anyone because the person you're angry at won't even know, or care and is probably laughing at you! i think that alot of life is like that. when you get angry with someone it's only effective if they care, otherwise you just get wound up yourself. my parents (as wise as they are) always used to say about people embarrassing you that the only person who can make you embarrassed is yourself, because if you didn't let it bother you, then nothing anyone did would cause you embarrassment. it is true, though i'm sure they only said it so they could carry on trying to embarrass us in public!
so there's my thought for the day, whatever your emotions are, they are probably caused by and affect only you, or at least mainly you. so don't get stressed, angry or embarrassed when it's probably not worth it and definately bad for your health! be happy and all that jazz!
x x x
Friday, April 07, 2006
Scary Dreams
hello. i thought today, instead of writing about real life i would tell you all about the very very odd dream i had last night.
i was round at tim's house and we were in his bedroom laughing about something, i didn't know what but it was very very funny. then suddenly his mum stuck her head round the door and got very cross because we were making far too much noise and she was ill and we should have remembered that. i didn't find it odd at all that she was wearing really bright clothes and had huge peacock feather earrings...
then suddenly we were downstairs in his living room and his mum had just dropped a whole bowl of blackcurrants on the floor and we were trying to pick them up without squashing them into the carpet. i had carefully stepped between the berries and was picking them up when tim jumped on my back and made me fall over squishing berries everywhere.
then suddenly i was at work (a kids' club) cutting out pictures of cars that the kids had drawn to put on a big piece of black paper to mount on the wall.
then i woke up.
i read recently that 80% of our dreams come from the day before, but i have NO idea where all that came from, except maybe the bit about work. and i always find it really odd how nothing ever seems strange in a dream, even the most bizarre things, you just accept them as if it's all normal! but then i suppose we could get into a big huge discussion about what normal actually is anyway. but i won't go into that here!
bye bye.
i was round at tim's house and we were in his bedroom laughing about something, i didn't know what but it was very very funny. then suddenly his mum stuck her head round the door and got very cross because we were making far too much noise and she was ill and we should have remembered that. i didn't find it odd at all that she was wearing really bright clothes and had huge peacock feather earrings...
then suddenly we were downstairs in his living room and his mum had just dropped a whole bowl of blackcurrants on the floor and we were trying to pick them up without squashing them into the carpet. i had carefully stepped between the berries and was picking them up when tim jumped on my back and made me fall over squishing berries everywhere.
then suddenly i was at work (a kids' club) cutting out pictures of cars that the kids had drawn to put on a big piece of black paper to mount on the wall.
then i woke up.
i read recently that 80% of our dreams come from the day before, but i have NO idea where all that came from, except maybe the bit about work. and i always find it really odd how nothing ever seems strange in a dream, even the most bizarre things, you just accept them as if it's all normal! but then i suppose we could get into a big huge discussion about what normal actually is anyway. but i won't go into that here!
bye bye.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
hello everyone and anyone.
today has been quite a fun day. i watched myself as a little kid on the video we have this morning, it was very amusing and it really felt like i was watching another person more than myself. i guess because i don't actually remember saying and doing those things it just doesn't feel like me. but anyways i summed up that i was quite a sweet but incredibly annoying child!
i thought i would put in a random picture to make this post more fun:

so there you go. funness.
i also went to tim's house today for elevenses and lunch (he thinks all i think about is food!) and then i went to work and then my friend's house where we had fun looking at more videos of us, but this was from only two years ago!
so all in all a fun day for me! i hope everyone is well and happy and happy and well. i'm not working tomorrow but i'm going to have to do lots of revision seeing as i haven't done any all week. oh no! (insert sarcasm here)
love y'all x x x
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
... i'm just listening to this on the elton john album, and i was thinking how weird (did i spell that right tim?!) it would be if the sun never did go down. do you think we'd all just feel like we had to stay awake all the time, i'm not very good at sleeping when it's light outside, maybe we'd all just get tireder and tireder until we couldn't survive any more, and then it would have been vrey bad for the sun not to have gone down. i dont think mr elton john should sing songs like that when the consequences would be so disasterous for mankind.
but then i suppose he also sings one called crocodile rock and it wouldn't be very good if a rock was made out of crocodiles either, you'd sit down for your picnic and get gobbled up instead! yeah anyways, don't know what's up with me today, i'm actually very cold right now, my fingers are freezing, it always happens to me when i'm at the computer, does anyone else get that?
anywho, i'm going to tootle off now, as you may have guessed not much interesting is going on here at the moment! love you all x x x
but then i suppose he also sings one called crocodile rock and it wouldn't be very good if a rock was made out of crocodiles either, you'd sit down for your picnic and get gobbled up instead! yeah anyways, don't know what's up with me today, i'm actually very cold right now, my fingers are freezing, it always happens to me when i'm at the computer, does anyone else get that?
anywho, i'm going to tootle off now, as you may have guessed not much interesting is going on here at the moment! love you all x x x
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