it is great to see my family again, but i do feel very much 'away' from my durham home. i think i might get bored here soon, but then i guess i could always do some work on the essays i have to write! oooh i got my second summative essay back yesterday and i got 66% a 2.1! yay i was very very pleased with thatand he didnt really say anything bad about it just that it needed developping but i did only have 1000 words!
today i might be going to see harry potter (woooo) but i dont know yet cos it'll mean walking to the cinema which admittedly isn't exactly miles away but im just not sure i can be bothered!
ooh i'll include a picture of my lovely family for you all to see, these are all my cousins!

"i have now come to appreciate fully how terrible the orange juice is in college" - kat, that made me laugh so much, just reading that, noone else will get why but it's so true. me and naomi had breakfast ala my room on the floor (cant afford a table you know) with some "real stuff" today awell, must admit im not really missing the taste of antoceptic in my orange juice either...
You're 110% right about the orange juice, it has to be said. I've noticed the same again.
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