hello all. this week has been lots of fun really and i thought i'd just write down what i've been doing so you can all share in the fun-ness. i love that word.
boxing day we went for a walk, we being my whole entire extended family which was fun and then we went for lunch at a lovely little pub, went back to my grandparents and exchanged more presents which is always fun! then my brothers, my cousins and myself went upstairs to curl my cousin's hair and i read nicolas nickleby to them! i quite liked it but it make my brothers fall asleep!
i spent tuesday with tim's extended family which was nice, they are very friendly and lovely and it was nice to spend time with them.
lets see... wednesday... has just totally been erased from my mind.. i can remember what we were meant to be doing but that got cancelled and i can't actually recall what we did! oh well i'm sure it was fun.
then on thursday i went to bath and back in one day! with tim's family to see his grandma who is housebound. didn't see you ffion though i looked out for you! lol. but it was lovely and his grandma is such a lovely lovely person. i really enjoyed that day.
and then friday i went to help look after a friend's five year old granddaughter and her four year old friend which was tiring but fun. they almost cut my hair off but i managed to stop them! and friday evening me and my parents went to tim's house for a meal which was loads of fun. though i did manage to commit possibly the worst social blunder of my entire life!
i shall explain:
we were playing taboo.. (a game where you have to describe something without saying certain words) and tim's brother was describing something small and wiggly that lives in water.... my mind was saying 'tadpole' and my mouth said.... wait for it..... sperm. ooops. i swear i do not know where that came from, and as much as my dad tries to say so, it was NOT on my mind at the time! so yeah, tim is still talking to me though so it can't have been too bad!
anyways i must go now, happy new year to you all. x x x
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Ooooohhh SNOW!!!!
look at this everyone, we have snow!!!! yay!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Christmas Eve Tomorrow!!!
yay yay yay yay yay!!! (that's actually surprisingly hard to type quickly!)
i've done lots of fun things recently, went to see a friend yesterday who's at uni in cambridge so we compared how brilliant durham is in comparison... well i did anyway! then last night i went carol singing with my church, me and my brother and dad made up the musicians and there were loads of people singing. it was lovely, we finished up in a pub playing we wish you a merry christmas! shame that the vicar wouldnt let us stay for a drink! lol
today i had to go to the dentist. grrrr only found out yesterday and the whole time i was in the chair i was praying i wouldnt have to have anything done. the words "fine young lady you're teeth are perfect" were music to my ears. i swear dentists just love inflicting pain on innocent patients.
then i washed all the kitchen windows, inside and out just to prove that i am in fact the perfect daughter! hee hee. it was actually quite fun if i can say that without being ridiculed!
then i read some more, i'm on my third very fat book (of a series of five) since coming home! mum says she's sick of me being so anti-social and i'm in a wierd kind of bitter-sweet limbo, i can't stop reading the books, but at the same time whenever i'm not reading them i feel sort of disorientated and lost!
anyways tomorrow is christmas eve! yesssss... im playing my flute at church in a servicey thingy for children, then im going to see tim then im going to a carol service (my fifth i think!) and then the midnight service. i love christmas!!!
i've done lots of fun things recently, went to see a friend yesterday who's at uni in cambridge so we compared how brilliant durham is in comparison... well i did anyway! then last night i went carol singing with my church, me and my brother and dad made up the musicians and there were loads of people singing. it was lovely, we finished up in a pub playing we wish you a merry christmas! shame that the vicar wouldnt let us stay for a drink! lol
today i had to go to the dentist. grrrr only found out yesterday and the whole time i was in the chair i was praying i wouldnt have to have anything done. the words "fine young lady you're teeth are perfect" were music to my ears. i swear dentists just love inflicting pain on innocent patients.
then i washed all the kitchen windows, inside and out just to prove that i am in fact the perfect daughter! hee hee. it was actually quite fun if i can say that without being ridiculed!
then i read some more, i'm on my third very fat book (of a series of five) since coming home! mum says she's sick of me being so anti-social and i'm in a wierd kind of bitter-sweet limbo, i can't stop reading the books, but at the same time whenever i'm not reading them i feel sort of disorientated and lost!
anyways tomorrow is christmas eve! yesssss... im playing my flute at church in a servicey thingy for children, then im going to see tim then im going to a carol service (my fifth i think!) and then the midnight service. i love christmas!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
There is Light at the End of the Tunnel...
... i'm finally feeling better yay! i've had two nights of sleep now where i haven't contemplated suffocating myself! yippeee!
no really, that is just about the most exciting thing going on here at the moment! but it's good, nice and relaxed after rushiness of durham! i've been doing so much reading i feel very refreshed! done some more christmas shopping, i'm almost finished now which is good. i went to the library yesterday to see if they had any books useful to my essays. i was sure i would find something of use for the one of the colonisation of south america, it's a fairly common topic... i found one. but it's better than none! and then as for the other essay, well i didn't really expect a library geered for the over 70s to have anything on 17th century spanish literature!
i watched a maths program with tim yesterday look at my dedication! and i have to admit that it was interesting, and i followed it all, well up to the point where the guy stepped through a mirror and started talking about mountains and lines of zeros... i'm not entirely sure he wasn't on drugs to be honest! but it kind of scared me, all of the mathematitions (how actually do you spell that word?) who have ever made any important discoveries have committed suicide, i asked tim to stick with teaching! lol.
anywho, now i'm making marzipan fruits with my brothers to give our grandparents for christmas, nothing beats a good old home-made present!
no really, that is just about the most exciting thing going on here at the moment! but it's good, nice and relaxed after rushiness of durham! i've been doing so much reading i feel very refreshed! done some more christmas shopping, i'm almost finished now which is good. i went to the library yesterday to see if they had any books useful to my essays. i was sure i would find something of use for the one of the colonisation of south america, it's a fairly common topic... i found one. but it's better than none! and then as for the other essay, well i didn't really expect a library geered for the over 70s to have anything on 17th century spanish literature!
i watched a maths program with tim yesterday look at my dedication! and i have to admit that it was interesting, and i followed it all, well up to the point where the guy stepped through a mirror and started talking about mountains and lines of zeros... i'm not entirely sure he wasn't on drugs to be honest! but it kind of scared me, all of the mathematitions (how actually do you spell that word?) who have ever made any important discoveries have committed suicide, i asked tim to stick with teaching! lol.
anywho, now i'm making marzipan fruits with my brothers to give our grandparents for christmas, nothing beats a good old home-made present!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
So, about that other world I was escaping to...
... i'm starting to think that if i close my eyes really tight and grip onto the book i'm reading, then i'll magically be transported into the world i'm reading about..
ok, so dont call the psychiatrists out i'm not going crazy i'm just thinking that it would be nice not to be where i am for a while. i still have a horrible cold, i can't sleep cos i can't breathe, at least four times in the night i contemplated just stopping breathing altogether, it seemed easier than coughing and spluttering the way i was!!!
and to make my day even more i just realised i don't only have one 1,500 word essay to do... i have two 1,500 word essays to do. yay me! starting to think i should have worked this out earlier, where on earth am i going to get books from? maybe i'll just go back to durham!
anyway, it's only 10.45am i have another whole day of depressingness to follow. lol, don't worry i'm not really suicidal, it's just i don't do 'ill' very well. appologies to those of you who are so brilliant at not complaining when you're ill, (namely naomi and ffion who never complain) i'll try and learn from you guys!!!
have a nice day, oh and check out tim's blog, www.pigeonboy.blogspot.com i think he's gone mad too.
ok, so dont call the psychiatrists out i'm not going crazy i'm just thinking that it would be nice not to be where i am for a while. i still have a horrible cold, i can't sleep cos i can't breathe, at least four times in the night i contemplated just stopping breathing altogether, it seemed easier than coughing and spluttering the way i was!!!
and to make my day even more i just realised i don't only have one 1,500 word essay to do... i have two 1,500 word essays to do. yay me! starting to think i should have worked this out earlier, where on earth am i going to get books from? maybe i'll just go back to durham!
anyway, it's only 10.45am i have another whole day of depressingness to follow. lol, don't worry i'm not really suicidal, it's just i don't do 'ill' very well. appologies to those of you who are so brilliant at not complaining when you're ill, (namely naomi and ffion who never complain) i'll try and learn from you guys!!!
have a nice day, oh and check out tim's blog, www.pigeonboy.blogspot.com i think he's gone mad too.
Monday, December 19, 2005
December 19th
the day after the day after tomorrow,
i will be able to say,
that the day after the day after that,
is the day before christmas day.
i found that poem in a book and thought it was cool, though i had to go to a calender and work it out! that's cos im abit of a loser really!
im still ill with this nasty cold, but i had enough energy today to go shopping with my mum and brothers which was fun. mum was buying us all a new outfit and i've got a lovely skirt and shrug-type-thing to go with it. we even managed to force my brothers into chosing something nice, though unfortunately mum and richard have just gone back to change his because it has pink on it and he doesnt like it. (he's colourblind so hadn't realised.) shame though, i liked it!
yesterday was the carol service at church which was lovely, people kept coming to talk to me and tim and they always seemed almost surprised we were there, as if once you go to uni you cease to exist! but it was lovely to see everyone again and i was very proud of my mum and dad singing in the choir, it sounded beautiful.
now i'm just about to go and start another book (i've already finished one since coming back!) one thing i really really miss at uni is having the time to just sit down and lose myself in a good book. sometimes, even when life is pretty good, you just need to escape from reality into someone else's world. even if just for a little while.
i will be able to say,
that the day after the day after that,
is the day before christmas day.
i found that poem in a book and thought it was cool, though i had to go to a calender and work it out! that's cos im abit of a loser really!
im still ill with this nasty cold, but i had enough energy today to go shopping with my mum and brothers which was fun. mum was buying us all a new outfit and i've got a lovely skirt and shrug-type-thing to go with it. we even managed to force my brothers into chosing something nice, though unfortunately mum and richard have just gone back to change his because it has pink on it and he doesnt like it. (he's colourblind so hadn't realised.) shame though, i liked it!
yesterday was the carol service at church which was lovely, people kept coming to talk to me and tim and they always seemed almost surprised we were there, as if once you go to uni you cease to exist! but it was lovely to see everyone again and i was very proud of my mum and dad singing in the choir, it sounded beautiful.
now i'm just about to go and start another book (i've already finished one since coming back!) one thing i really really miss at uni is having the time to just sit down and lose myself in a good book. sometimes, even when life is pretty good, you just need to escape from reality into someone else's world. even if just for a little while.
Friday, December 16, 2005
My Favourite Part of Christmas...
...or not as the case may be. i'm referring to christmas shopping. it totally escapes me why people love buying presents for a million and one people at christmas, i know it's nice to give people things but how can it possibly be a joyful experience to buy presents that a)you dont like b)you know the receiver wont like and c)are for someone you've only met twice in your whole life!!! even buying presents for my beloved family isn't much fun. what do you get for four people who have everything already? (and no that isn't a rubbish joke i got out of a cracker!)
i went into town today to get presents for a few people and it wasn't really what i would class as a 'fun' experience. i had finally decided to get my brother a cd after asking him and getting the usual reply 'i dunno'. so, i confidently walked into 'music zone' (quite an intelligent place to look for a cd i thought) and i practically froze in the doorway. how on earth was i supposed to chose a cd out of the 5 million or so in there?! as far as i was concerned it was like trying to chose your favourite roses chocolate. admittedly there are a few you wouldnt go near but you lov ethe majority, how do you chose just one?!
then i set about finding something for my other brother and so far i've only got a poster (after a freak out over the number of posters there are to chose from!) how am i supposed to chose and buy presents?! granted i'm doing a degree, but they dont teach us anything about christmas shopping. now there's a life skill that would be useful!
all i can say is that i'm glad the real point of christmas isn't buying presents!
i went into town today to get presents for a few people and it wasn't really what i would class as a 'fun' experience. i had finally decided to get my brother a cd after asking him and getting the usual reply 'i dunno'. so, i confidently walked into 'music zone' (quite an intelligent place to look for a cd i thought) and i practically froze in the doorway. how on earth was i supposed to chose a cd out of the 5 million or so in there?! as far as i was concerned it was like trying to chose your favourite roses chocolate. admittedly there are a few you wouldnt go near but you lov ethe majority, how do you chose just one?!
then i set about finding something for my other brother and so far i've only got a poster (after a freak out over the number of posters there are to chose from!) how am i supposed to chose and buy presents?! granted i'm doing a degree, but they dont teach us anything about christmas shopping. now there's a life skill that would be useful!
all i can say is that i'm glad the real point of christmas isn't buying presents!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Home and Away!
hello all, i am writing this exciting blog post to you from my house in sunny harrogate. it is lovely to be home but it sure felt odd eating my breakfast with just my mum in the room instead of all my friends! but i have now come to appreciate fully how terrible the orange juice is in college after i had some real stuff here!
it is great to see my family again, but i do feel very much 'away' from my durham home. i think i might get bored here soon, but then i guess i could always do some work on the essays i have to write! oooh i got my second summative essay back yesterday and i got 66% a 2.1! yay i was very very pleased with thatand he didnt really say anything bad about it just that it needed developping but i did only have 1000 words!
today i might be going to see harry potter (woooo) but i dont know yet cos it'll mean walking to the cinema which admittedly isn't exactly miles away but im just not sure i can be bothered!
ooh i'll include a picture of my lovely family for you all to see, these are all my cousins!
it is great to see my family again, but i do feel very much 'away' from my durham home. i think i might get bored here soon, but then i guess i could always do some work on the essays i have to write! oooh i got my second summative essay back yesterday and i got 66% a 2.1! yay i was very very pleased with thatand he didnt really say anything bad about it just that it needed developping but i did only have 1000 words!
today i might be going to see harry potter (woooo) but i dont know yet cos it'll mean walking to the cinema which admittedly isn't exactly miles away but im just not sure i can be bothered!
ooh i'll include a picture of my lovely family for you all to see, these are all my cousins!

Monday, December 12, 2005
Christmas Formal
oooh yeah forgot to mention before about the formal, it was brilliant fun, i'll let this picture and the words of this 'well known' song speak for themselves:
On the ------ day of Christmas
My true love gave to me…
A night in Klute for free
Two Random Pulls
Three Hatfield Rahs
Four Mary’s Boys
Five Mary’s Girls
Six First Year Couples
Seven Funky Formals
Eight Cardboards Costumes
Nine Tricky Togas
Ten Sporting Socials
Eleven Jugs of Cocktail
Twelve Cradle Snatchers

Almost done...!!!
hello all, i am just about to go and print off my last essay to take in this afternoon.... yay!!! then, after my grammar class i have nothing left until after christmas! yippeeeee...!!! though im starting to think i wont know what to do without lots of work to keep me busy, im really not very good and doing nothing much! i guess i'll just have to go out for lots of coffee and fun things like that.. and of course i cant wait to watch all my disney films again! hee hee
this term has been so crazy and has gone to quickly i cant believe it! i feel like so much has happened in such a short space of time. in many ways (and im sure everyone would say this) i feel like i've been here for years and at the same time i feel like i've only been here a few days. i am so happy here though, everything about uni and durham life is just brilliant. it was definately the best decision i made, or God made whichever way you want to look at it, and im so glad that i'm here!
yay happiness all round!
oooh and i had my first mince pie for two whole years yesterday, that was a momentous day for me and i promised myself i would never take mince pies for granted ever again.
this term has been so crazy and has gone to quickly i cant believe it! i feel like so much has happened in such a short space of time. in many ways (and im sure everyone would say this) i feel like i've been here for years and at the same time i feel like i've only been here a few days. i am so happy here though, everything about uni and durham life is just brilliant. it was definately the best decision i made, or God made whichever way you want to look at it, and im so glad that i'm here!
yay happiness all round!
oooh and i had my first mince pie for two whole years yesterday, that was a momentous day for me and i promised myself i would never take mince pies for granted ever again.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Oh yes it is... Oh no it isn't....
guess what i've been doing all day then?! well done. you win the prize.
i've been doing the st mary's panto!!! yay. it was called A Lad In Mary's.... gettit?
so, anyways let me explain a little bit more than that. we put on a panto tonight for one night only, the st mary's drama soc (and a few clingons from cuths) produced a fantabulous show in only a week! pretty impressive i thought!
we had many a laugh and it's been great to get to know people. the panto itself was hilarious i must say, with rahs and dinner ladies (i was one of them) and americans, lesbians, boys, drunkards... it had everything you could possibly cram into an hour's panto, even trinny and sussanah bless 'em. some very funny moments, try staying in the same pose for something like ten minutes while 'time has stopped' especially fun if you freeze on one leg or something stupid!
so know im exhausted, i've got formal and the carol service tomorrow which should be fun i'll let you know how that goes! love ya x x x
guess what i've been doing all day then?! well done. you win the prize.
i've been doing the st mary's panto!!! yay. it was called A Lad In Mary's.... gettit?
so, anyways let me explain a little bit more than that. we put on a panto tonight for one night only, the st mary's drama soc (and a few clingons from cuths) produced a fantabulous show in only a week! pretty impressive i thought!
we had many a laugh and it's been great to get to know people. the panto itself was hilarious i must say, with rahs and dinner ladies (i was one of them) and americans, lesbians, boys, drunkards... it had everything you could possibly cram into an hour's panto, even trinny and sussanah bless 'em. some very funny moments, try staying in the same pose for something like ten minutes while 'time has stopped' especially fun if you freeze on one leg or something stupid!
so know im exhausted, i've got formal and the carol service tomorrow which should be fun i'll let you know how that goes! love ya x x x
Friday, December 09, 2005
Essay Heaven...???!!!
hello again, guess what i'm supposed to be doing..... writing an essay yay!
blatently i'm not doing it, but to my credit i was in the library by 9.15am and i have only just got back (10.45am) but you know it's just so boring!!!
so instead i thought i'd sit here and chat to norman. my 14-legged spider friend. he's very aimiable and likes to chat to me, and just recently there was a new edition to the family, frankie the sheep. (it's short for frankenstein but dont tell him that he'll get a complex) luckily frankie and norman get on well and it's always nice for me to have someone to chat to when i get back from a hard morning's work at the library...
oh pants, i guess i really must go and write this essay it wont write itself you know!
blatently i'm not doing it, but to my credit i was in the library by 9.15am and i have only just got back (10.45am) but you know it's just so boring!!!
so instead i thought i'd sit here and chat to norman. my 14-legged spider friend. he's very aimiable and likes to chat to me, and just recently there was a new edition to the family, frankie the sheep. (it's short for frankenstein but dont tell him that he'll get a complex) luckily frankie and norman get on well and it's always nice for me to have someone to chat to when i get back from a hard morning's work at the library...
oh pants, i guess i really must go and write this essay it wont write itself you know!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
My First Post...
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