Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly...

...on me.

No joke. The number of people who wished me luck in ´sunny Spain´before I left was incredible, and it´s just like being in Durham! Rain, cold, rain, wind, rain... did I say rain? It hasn´t stopped raining for ages and what´s worse is that it isn´t proper rain at all, no, it´s "that fine rain that soaks you right through". In the imnortal words of Peter Kay.

But, life goes on. I need to buy me some more rain clothes, but apart from that it´s all fine and dandy. The weekend was my first full weekend in Reinosa which was fun. It´s nice being all lazy in the mornings and just reading and watching kids´TV! Then on Saturday night the library had a kind of open day type event that ran from 5pm on Saturday evening until 5am on Sunday morning. Somehow gaining an hour in the middle as the clocks went back.

I went for most of the middle part where they had a traditional singer who had the most beautifully clear voice, and she sang some really beautiful songs. She played a tamborine/drum thing amazingly, and there was a clarinetist with her (who turned out to be an English teacher and spoke French too!) and some of the songs had guitar accompaniement too. My favourite song was about the miners and a woman singing about watching them every day going down and then up and then down and then up ("bajar y subir. Subir y bajar y bajar y subir") Thought I´d put the Spanish in to make me look good. Then they had some poetry reading which was beautiful. It was a little strange when they had food because Mélanie and I found it really hard to pluck up the courage to speak to anyone. I find it hard enough in England! But then one of the teachers from the school came along and it was easier with her to be introduced to people etc.

This week is all fine so far, we´re watching Harry Potter with the year 9s. I realised it is actually years since I saw the first film and it looks so old now! But it´s funny all the same, and Ron has a very strong London accent which I´m fairly sure he doesn´t in the later films... I´ve been doing lots of reading and studying for next year and I´m feeling quite smug. I´m sure the novelty will wear off sooner or later. And today I finished reading Swallows and Amazons and I really wish I was living on an island in the middle of a lake in the Lake District!

I´m going back to England this Friday (in case anyone hadn´t noticed!) and I´m very much excited, Planet of Sound on Friday and lots of good times I´m sure. I´m going to bring back Marmite for them to eat. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa. I bought a can of Baked Beans the other day too, I don´t even like them that much it just felt like I wanted to eat something very English! They were wonderful!

Anyways, as you can probably tell that is about all the news I can think of right now. If you´re in Durham/Harrogate then I can´t wait to see you this weekend, if not then sorry, and I can´t wait to see you whenever I next will! lol.

I hope all is well with everyone else and it´s not raining as much in England as it is here!
Love x

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No Imaginative Title

...can´t think of a vaguely interesting title today so you´ve got that one!

All is still going well in now-not-so-sunny-Spain... the past few days have been FREEZING and as we´re still too stingy to pay for heating, but have the keep the windows open abit because of the damp, I feel just like being back in our lovely student house! I´m sleeping with a hoody and thick socks on at the moment, but I think I´m going to talk to Mélanie my flatmate about putting it on in the evenings!

I went shopping in Santander last weekend with my friend Hannah which was fun, I bought a BEAUTIFUL new pair of shoes, I´m not exaggerating, everyone is and will be extremely jealous of me. Then we watched the rugby which was funny. I am fairly sure that there was only one pub in the whole city showing it, so crammed inside was everysinge English speaker in the city! We got there late and so had to watch the first half from outside the window! Then we got inside for the second half and it was good fun, a good atmosphere! Good match, shame we lost though.

This week´s lessons are all going well so far, thery´re having a few exams this week so I get a few hours off! Hee hee. The students are all good fun, I really enjoy being here, sometimes it´s frustrating that I can´t take over and actually be the teacher, sometimes I don´t think they are strict enough! lol, I wonder if I would be one of those really aweful teachers that the kids hate because they are so strict? I don´t think so, I´m too daft. They always laugh at me here because I act things out when they don´t understand. Last week I had to take certain poses so that they had to guess what I was feeling, or what message was being sent. For example I stood rolling my eyes with my arms folded and tapping my foot... they thought it was funny.

There´s not alot else going on here, but I do want to write something about the TV program I saw part of last night. I don´t know what it was called, but it was about the trafficking of girls into the sex trade. Many were being intervied about their horrendous experiences. Mélanie said that they don´t have any information on this in France because it´s too much of a ´tabboo´subject. I´m not going to start slagging off the French, but that, and the program made me feel sick. Once again I feel totally helpless. I was sitting on my bed, in my nice little flat, in this nice little town, I have a nice little job, and a nice little family. The effect of this is two fold on me. I feel overwhelmingly grateful for all the things that I do have. I know I take my life for granted far too often, and last night I was reminded again, forcibly of the things that I do have.

Of course, the flip side to this is a pure disgust and anger at the world that I am a part of. There is nothing I can do right now for those girls though every fibre of my being wants to go and take them all out of the horrific nightmares they are forced to live and give them a new life, and hope, and love. Because I know that there is more, that there is hope. I am angry at the people who have become so monstruous as to buy and sell humanity, I feel compassion for them because they too must be severely damaged to be able to do the things they do. I feel anger. I felt sick watching a young pretty Romanian girl crying as she recounted how she was treated.


She was owned by someone else. Nobody should EVER be "owned" by another human being. It´s atrocious. Her life will never be the same again. She has deep, deep wounds and I can´t help but wonder if they will ever be healed.

I prayed last night. I prayed for God to use me to make this right. To bring justice. I know that the pain that I feel is a tiny fraction of the anguish God suffers when he sees all his children being treated so abominably. I know that he needs people to DO something. He needs people to do more than nod and smile sympathetically and say "yes, I know, isn´t it terrible what´s happening in some other part of the world". He needs us to take a good look at ourselves, to stop being so addicted to our own spheres, our own lives and our own selfishness and he needs us to do something.

That something, for me, I don´t know what it is yet. I don´t know what I can do from Spain. I feel trapped here, but I know that I can and will do something. I pray that one day every single human being on this planet will know that they are loved. Will know that they are not alone. Will know that they are valued, and needed and respected. I pray this knowing that there is God who can hear me, and I pray this knowing that I am also guilty of not loving other people, not respecting other people, not treating other people with the dignity they deserve.

As I was falling asleep last night I wrote a poem about a girl who believed she was being taken abroad to a better life, only to find out that she had been sold as a prostitute. I shouldn´t write things in my head as I fall asleep because now I don´t remember it. But I wrote it all the same. Maybe it will come back to me at some point.

I hope that this hasn´t bored you, and if it has then I hope it was because of my bad writing and not the subject. I can´t think of anything that makes me more angry than this and I hope that you can feel that with me, and help me to do something.

Thanks for listening (reading).

Until next time from Spain.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shape of My Heart

Oli and I decided that Sting´s song would be perfect for the soundtrack to Casino Royale. The words fit really well, go see for yourself. "He deals the cards as a meditation, for those he plays never forget. He doesn´t play for the money he wins, he doesn´t play for respect." Perfect.

Anyways. Another week in sunny Spain. Actually it has been quite nice weather recently, but what am I doing talking about the weather?! I just can´t help being English. I did buy some tea bags yesterday and then promtly drank 3 cups of tea in a row. It was like a little piece of heaven. I have real milk too, none of this UHT crap. But yes, the sun. I was in Madrid for the weekend and it was baking hot. Oli and I spent a good number of hours sleeping in parks in the sun. Saturday afternoon we were by a fountain too which was just hypnotic. Wonderful.

Madrid is great though, it´s really lively and clean and there are so many beautiful buildings. We went into the Cathedral which is ´preciosa´but still not a patch on Durham. And then we stumbled upon another church that took our breath away. I think that the presence of a choir heightened the beauty, especially when they sang Mozart´s Ave Verum, I closed my eyes and felt like I was in Mary´s little chapel again! Oli introduced me to his friends who were all realyl friendly and on Saturday night I was taken on my first real night out in Spain. As I have said, Reinosa is full of bars but it kind of defeats the point if you have no-one to go to a bar with! We didn´t even meet people until gone 10 and then sat outside drinking sangria until around about midnight, it was still really warm. We got to a club at 1.30am I think, it was called the Monna Lisa. Yes, they spelled it with 2 ´n´s. And then didn´t get home until 5am. Excellent fun.

My lessons this week have all gone well so far. Today I had a music lesson where they were learning the English names for different music styles. The students had brought in examples of music that we listened to and they all laughed at my dancing to ´Shakira Shakira´. I got very excited. In one of the English classes for year 8 I am very pleased to know that they are going to read A Little Princess, one of my favourite books ever, I think I´ll just have to buy the DVD so that they can see it too. I´m starting to think that I would really like to be a teacher, they are so much fun. But then I wonder what if I got a really difficult school, I think I would be too scared, I am far too easily intimidated. Even here they scared me until i got to know them!

Well, I think this is probably long enough, besides I really really need a wee. Ooh, I watched Edward Scissorhands last night with Mélanie and it made me cry loads. It always does but I love it. I think tomorrow I may go to the cinema to watch a realy Spanish film, I feel I should make the most of the opportunity to culturise myself. Hey I just made up a new word. Fun times.

Well, I will go now, I hope everyone is well... I officially have my flights booked and I am coming home the first weekend in November. For all those in Durham that means Planet of Sound on Friday and at least 7 smoothies in the DSU! For those not at Durham, I probably won´t see you, but don´t cry too much I´ll be home at Christmas!

Lots of love and besos. x

Monday, October 08, 2007

Little Green Aliens

Today I am shattered. My eyes are barely open as I write this and I really really need an early night. But I am so dedicated to the cause of keeping you all informed on the tales and woes of my life that I am still writing this blog for your sakes. Or something to that effect. Who knows what it´s actually going to say!

I spent THREE AND A HALF hours in the foreign office this morning trying to finally get all the paper work and bureaucracy out of the way. Stupid stupid system that they have here. It´s all numbers and tickets and queues and as little contact with real human beings as possible. We were all sitting in this room waiting for our number to pop up on the board so we could go behind the blue screen to the world of freedom beyond. It felt like we were those little green alien toys in Toy Story that long for the claw to come and pick them up and take them to a better place even though they had no idea what lay on the other side. Well, eventually the claw got me and I am now fully registered in the country. Registered as what exactly I do now know. I almost got registered to vote here... I hope I haven´t renounced my British citizenship in the process!

I feel like this week has really just been all about registering. I am registered at the library, this Internet place, the DVD rental place... I have cards and certificates for everything here! But it´s good, it makes me feel like a part of the place.

I spent abit of time last week (in between the office visiting) at the beach in Santander which was lovely. It suddenly turned out to be a really sunny day and it was a really pretty beach. It´s great to have so much time to do with as I please and I know that lots of people think I´m just slacking off this year... you´re probably right. But for me it´s a great opportunity to read books I´ve wanted to for ages, take loads of photos, go for long walks, meet new people, learn new things... I may be teaching two little kids English which could be fun (and for 10 pounds an hour that´s pretty good money!)

Also for me I think this is going to be a good time to leanr something that I have always struggled with. And that´s living in the present. Here in Spain we all know that they live ´mañana´. Nothing is urgent, everything can be done tomorrow. I hate that. The inside me wants to do EVERYTHING. Right now. Sorted. Done. Over with. You simply cannot do that here. You have to live each day as it comes. I once read something that I think is worth sharing.
"God is a big fan of today. That´s why you keep waking up in it. You have made your request known for a hundred different yesterdays, but the sun keeps rising on this thing that is today. Today is the best place to live."
For years I have lived my life either in the past - full of regret, or in the future - full of longing for something else. A very wise friend of mine once reminded me of this ´Kat, don´t spend your life wishing time away, you´ll wake up one day and find your wish has come true.´

If I can come home from Spain having learnt that and only that, I think that my time here will have been worth it. Easier said than done!

I hope everyone is well, and that you didn´t mind my diversion into philosophical thinking! Please do comment on these blogs if you want to!
I miss everyone lots and lots.
Love x

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hello World!!!

Well hello there. I am still alive!!! And so far everything is going well here in sunny Spain. I have so much to say and it would actually take far too long to say it, so I´ll just try to keep to the bare minimum. Anything beyond that would probably bore the socks offf you anyways!

So. Here I am. I have an address, a bank account and this week I´m going to make the difficult and dangerour trek to the nearest city to get my official national insurance number so I can be paid. I can´t believe that it´s all unfolding before my eyes. This whole "year abroad" lark has been talked about for literally years and now it´s actually happening. And has actually happened. It´s crazy.

But everything is good. I spent my first day at the school today. The teachers are lovely and friendly and welcoming and they invite me to have coffee with them at break time and one of them offered to take me to the ski slopes sometime (yay!!) I feel almost at home already. The students are great too. I´m helping with years 7,8 and 9 and their level of English is fantastic. I have to say it, but way better than our equivalent in England. Shameful on us, but good for me because it´s more interesting! They were asking me questions today and I got all kinds of random ones. It´s actually quite hard to think on the spot of who I would like to be for a day, or who I think is the most beautiful person in the world, or what I would change about myself if I could change anything... I know, they got quite personl!!!

I´m sharing a flat with the French assistant from the school and she´s really lovely too. Easy going and quite amiable, I think we´ll get on well, I am glad to have company but to also be able to speak Spanish all the time. Our little flat is lovely, it´s all new and pretty and I am loving doing my own shopping and cooking my own food and being all independant!

Reinosa itself is a nice little place. I think that the centre is a little smaller than the centre of Durham but it´s abit more spaced out in terms of the shops etc so it feels smaller. It´s a friendly place though and last weekend they had a big fiesta so we got to see all the traditional costumes, the parade with bulls, donkeys, bagpipes (!) singing, dancing, huge dogs pulling little carts... etc. And on Sunday evening they had a huge stage with an awesome band in the main square. The first piece was a slow jazz thing with an amazing trumpet and trombone duo going on.

I am drinking lots of ´cafe con leche´ as they do here, and it´s only 60p! It´s great, I feel all "continental". I buy bread on the way home from school in the mornings, I drink their amazing hot chocolate - Cola Cao, I eat tea really late, and I´m watching the OC every day at 7pm. I really think that this is going to be a good year. I am so relieved because as most people know I so did not want to come. I hated the training in Madrid, and didn´t want to be here, and was scared about how it would all turn out. I turned up here in Reinosa without even a hotel and here is how everything has worked out. The God I believe in is truely looking after me, I cannot deny that. I would not be this happy and calm otherwise I know that for sure. He is an amazing God and I love him!

I´m going to go now this is too long! Sorry! I will send out my address and mobile number in email form... not a good idea to post it on the internet! lol. I hope everyone is well and it´d be great to hear from you even if I can´t get round to replying personally to everyone. Lots of love and besos.