hello everyone. just thought i'd post just how much i lurve chocolate and banana, in sandwiches, melted together any way, i love them both together. yum.
anyways, just thought i'd put something today a little more serious about something i've been thinking about alot recently. you see i'm beginning to (unfortunately) lose a little faith in humans because it seems to me that you can never really truely know a person. we all think that we know our family, our friends, those closest to us, but then it can happen so easily: they go and do something that makes no sense, that goes against everything you thought you knew about them and there's nothing you can do about it. it makes me wonder if we ever really know anyone at all. maybe we don't ever really get to know a person properly and we live our whole lives deceived into thinking that we do. and yet i know, and everyone knows that we have to live as if we do know the people around us because we couldn't survive if we lived in distrust of everyone. it's like we have to trust everyone knowing that they may well be deceiving us, even if they don't know it yet.
it seems very hard to get past this way of thinking, i do trust the people closest to me and i know how dangerous it is to live knowing that they might or will hurt me, i know how bad that if for relationships and health! but sometimes it is hard to get past that when people can do such unexpected things.
anyway i'm not in a depressed mood or anything i'm really quite happy, but this is just something that's been on my mind recently.
x x x
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
look at the hotness...!
as requested here are pictures of me skiing, i don't have one with the fancy sunburn but i eill try to get one taken soon!

i've just eaten the best roast chicken dinner of my life. and now i think a little nap is in order, compulsory sunday afternoon activity! or edd and i will watch 24 cos he's hooked now too! yay x

Saturday, March 25, 2006
CRASH she comes back to earth!
hello anyone and everyone again. i'm home again with no broken bones and a very daft looking suntan! i think 'panda eyes' is the phrase one uses to refer to someone who's blatently just been skiing and got very badly sunburnt around the goggles! lol, i have a very fetching red stripe accross my forehead from the gap between hat and goggles! but anywho i had an amazing time! and now i'm home!
it feels kind of odd and i have the usual back-from-holdiday feel where i dont quite feel ready to go back to the real world. i have so much stuff to do and i got my job as a playworker which is excellent, i'm weel chuffed and i know i'll love it, but i do have to start on wednesday at 7.30 IN THE MORNING! argh! how will i cope! i haven't seen that unearthly hour for so long i can't even remember what it looks like!
but never mind it's a job, i will get money and i get to do something i enjoy so all in all it's ok! and i get to see my family again which is very good, and hopefully i'll see tim too.
so, i've just spent ages reading everyone else's blogs and playing some more on facebook, both of which have helped me come back to reality! lol, which i suppose is ironic as neither of them are actual reality... anyways! i've not really got much else to say so i'll go now. bye bye anyone who reads this i love you lots! x
it feels kind of odd and i have the usual back-from-holdiday feel where i dont quite feel ready to go back to the real world. i have so much stuff to do and i got my job as a playworker which is excellent, i'm weel chuffed and i know i'll love it, but i do have to start on wednesday at 7.30 IN THE MORNING! argh! how will i cope! i haven't seen that unearthly hour for so long i can't even remember what it looks like!
but never mind it's a job, i will get money and i get to do something i enjoy so all in all it's ok! and i get to see my family again which is very good, and hopefully i'll see tim too.
so, i've just spent ages reading everyone else's blogs and playing some more on facebook, both of which have helped me come back to reality! lol, which i suppose is ironic as neither of them are actual reality... anyways! i've not really got much else to say so i'll go now. bye bye anyone who reads this i love you lots! x
Friday, March 17, 2006
home again home again jiggity jig
...something my mother used to sing whenever we got home from somewhere.
so yeah, here i am at home again. it's nice to see everyone here but boy do i miss durham already! i guess it's worse cos everyone else is still there today!
but anywho enough of the wallowing in self pity... this week has been the cooliest week ever!
went out with tim and his friends for drinks on monday night, ended up in some very scarily scary conversations that went right over my head, and from the looks on their faces i'll keep it that way!
but tuesday saw me and ffion in studio yeah! met up with loads of random people and had a great time. how much do i love dancing, it actually is the best form of therapy/exercise/fun/madness ever in the whole wide world! and that's not hyperbole! lol.
and then wednesday was Back2Skool and HOW much fun was that?!?!?! possibly my best night in durham this term, we all went and so did tim and all his friends. we went bouncy-castleing (you so can make that into a verb!) drank tequila shots without the salt... not hugely recommended! and danced the night away quite literally. good old dj robin played the best songs and i am currently learning the words for the killers mr bright side. fantastic song and one which will forever be of dancing in durham!
anyways like i said now i am at home, i fell asleep this afternoon 'watching' the italian job! and i can't wait to go skiing tomorrow! yay! now im going to watch neighbours for possibly the first time since before christmas, wow that is a novel experience for me! lol.
love you all *mwah*
so yeah, here i am at home again. it's nice to see everyone here but boy do i miss durham already! i guess it's worse cos everyone else is still there today!
but anywho enough of the wallowing in self pity... this week has been the cooliest week ever!
went out with tim and his friends for drinks on monday night, ended up in some very scarily scary conversations that went right over my head, and from the looks on their faces i'll keep it that way!
but tuesday saw me and ffion in studio yeah! met up with loads of random people and had a great time. how much do i love dancing, it actually is the best form of therapy/exercise/fun/madness ever in the whole wide world! and that's not hyperbole! lol.
and then wednesday was Back2Skool and HOW much fun was that?!?!?! possibly my best night in durham this term, we all went and so did tim and all his friends. we went bouncy-castleing (you so can make that into a verb!) drank tequila shots without the salt... not hugely recommended! and danced the night away quite literally. good old dj robin played the best songs and i am currently learning the words for the killers mr bright side. fantastic song and one which will forever be of dancing in durham!
anyways like i said now i am at home, i fell asleep this afternoon 'watching' the italian job! and i can't wait to go skiing tomorrow! yay! now im going to watch neighbours for possibly the first time since before christmas, wow that is a novel experience for me! lol.
love you all *mwah*
Sunday, March 12, 2006
barbies and snow!!!
not together necessarily that's just what i was going to write about today!
here's a photo from our fantastical barbie and actionman formal:

anywho. so that was the formal. and now today it is snowing. lots and lots and lots and lots. oooh i love snow. it's been going all morning and doesn't show any signs of stopping. it's so pretty looking out of my window. though i should image poor flopsy, mopsy and cotton tail and sebastian are hiding somewhere nice and warm. it was very exciting a few days ago when we realised that sebastian has cloned himself... he must have found it too hard to chase the three girls all by himself. as yet however, sebastian the second hasn't been officially named. we're making sure that he really does exist and he's not just either a very solid looking shadow or a figment of our overworked imaginations!
have a fun day everyone i love you all! x x x
Thursday, March 09, 2006
that's what one of my lecturers says when the projector stops working and it makes me chuckle.
so. i have been very rubbish at keeping this blog recently, my hat comes off to amie who's blog always is so interesting and looks so professional, but i am going to be living with her next term so maybe it'll rub off....
so much stuff is going on here and i don't really want to write it all down anyways so i thought i'd write something totally different and random.
once apon time there were three little rabbits. their names were flopsy, mopsy and cotton tail and they liked to run around the grass, making conversation when the mood arose and playing with the flowers and the little birds that lived nearby. there was also a rabbit who lived near then who had come from a far away land as he was jet black all over. his name was sebastian and he seemed a nice enough rabbit though he did like to chase flopsy, mopsy and cotton tail all over the grass. but he was a handsom rabbit so they didn't usually mind.
and they all lived happily together. aw.
x x x
so. i have been very rubbish at keeping this blog recently, my hat comes off to amie who's blog always is so interesting and looks so professional, but i am going to be living with her next term so maybe it'll rub off....
so much stuff is going on here and i don't really want to write it all down anyways so i thought i'd write something totally different and random.
once apon time there were three little rabbits. their names were flopsy, mopsy and cotton tail and they liked to run around the grass, making conversation when the mood arose and playing with the flowers and the little birds that lived nearby. there was also a rabbit who lived near then who had come from a far away land as he was jet black all over. his name was sebastian and he seemed a nice enough rabbit though he did like to chase flopsy, mopsy and cotton tail all over the grass. but he was a handsom rabbit so they didn't usually mind.
and they all lived happily together. aw.
x x x
Thursday, March 02, 2006
1..2..3.... 5..6..7....
...step back, step forward, turn round, don't fall over, look up, step back againg, move forwards, twizzle round.. DONT FALL OVER!!!
it's complicated stuff this salsa dancing lark. but frightfully good fun all the same! hee hee how posh was that?! i went last night with tim, heather and mark and it was loads of fun. couldn't quite get the hang of it to begin with and ended up dizzier than a spinning top but i loved it! most of the 'normal' people who go (as in non-durhamites) are really nice too. it was kind of fun and interesting to dance with a whole range of people!
it's been quite an energetic week i've realised, we had our first ever quidditch match yesterday which was very fun (well writing the imaginery report was!) even though we lost quite abismally. but we played well as a team, just need some more practice that's all, and it was unfortunate that ffion got knocked off her broom, lots of factors involved. she's ok though...
isn't fantasy fun?! if you think about it, it seems totally illogical that we can have entire conversatoins about something that doesn't actually exist! we really are amazingly made to be able to just make things up like that, and understand the concepts when it's something that we are totally not. hmmm... didn't make much sense that last bit but i know what i means!
anywho, i shouldnt really be writing here, must go and do something useful like... oooh it's five minutes until tea time yay! la la la la la . i'm feeling very happy. i just want to smile alot. thats a nice feeling to have. bye bye everyone x x x
it's complicated stuff this salsa dancing lark. but frightfully good fun all the same! hee hee how posh was that?! i went last night with tim, heather and mark and it was loads of fun. couldn't quite get the hang of it to begin with and ended up dizzier than a spinning top but i loved it! most of the 'normal' people who go (as in non-durhamites) are really nice too. it was kind of fun and interesting to dance with a whole range of people!
it's been quite an energetic week i've realised, we had our first ever quidditch match yesterday which was very fun (well writing the imaginery report was!) even though we lost quite abismally. but we played well as a team, just need some more practice that's all, and it was unfortunate that ffion got knocked off her broom, lots of factors involved. she's ok though...
isn't fantasy fun?! if you think about it, it seems totally illogical that we can have entire conversatoins about something that doesn't actually exist! we really are amazingly made to be able to just make things up like that, and understand the concepts when it's something that we are totally not. hmmm... didn't make much sense that last bit but i know what i means!
anywho, i shouldnt really be writing here, must go and do something useful like... oooh it's five minutes until tea time yay! la la la la la . i'm feeling very happy. i just want to smile alot. thats a nice feeling to have. bye bye everyone x x x
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