Tuesday, February 21, 2006

all new blog yay!

hellooooooo i decided to try changing the background to see if that was the reason behind the random crashings of the blogsite that is the world of katita. we'll see how we get on with this one though i don't like it as much as the dotty one. but then i wouldnt!
i watched evita last night and guess what.... it made me cry! it was very good though. you know some people have told me that i'm either all happy or all sad, i can be on top of the world one minute and down in the 'very depths of dispair' (quite from famous five!) the next. you know i think that's quite tiring actually, i'm like a little mini car constantly going up and down hills, it's very exhausting. ha get the pun?! no it wasn't funny was it?
here are some interesting things i learned this week:
  • my boyfriend looks frighteningly more like i woman that i do when he's in drag
  • dancing really does solve so many problems
  • little children are the most wonderful and delightful things God ever created
  • my mum is amazing cos she made me a fruit cake! (thats not the only reason!)
  • it is possible to fall up stairs and look very very silly!

hope you're all happy and healthy! lol. love going out from me to you. x x x

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Procrastination- a useful word to know!

...considering i thought it meant to think too much until last term! ah well, everyone makes mistakes!
i have discovered that, with the numerous methods of procrastination that exist here for example facebook, msn, blogger, email, itunes, roommates... it is virtually impossible that actually do anything consrtuctive towards one's degree! but i suppose you could say that that's half the fun of university and besides, what is it that the third and fourth years keep telling me... this IS only first year, it doesn't actually count towards anything.

so how have you all been since i last wrote? i've had fun i'm sure, i generally do. there is so much fun stuff to do here in durham. we had valentine's day i bet that was fun for everyone. can't say i'm a big fan, but tim bought me some beautiful earrings which was lovely lovely. i'm going home this weekend to see all my family which will be fun. crazy i'm sure but fun fun fun. i'm kind of feeling like i should write something really profound on this blogsite, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be very much profoundess in my mind at the moment! ah well, i'll leave with one of my favourite philosophies for life:


Friday, February 10, 2006

I think I'm losing my Memory

really i do. i just sat down here to update everyone on the wonderful world of me and i actually cannot remember what i've been doing since i last wrote. hmmm... seems worrying. though in some ways it's not really a bad thing at all and could in fact be construed as a very good thing if for example i'd had a terrible week! lol. which i haven't. i dont think at least.... hmmm...

anyways. here's what i can remember in brief. we had our venetian formal on thursday where i have to confess to getting a teeny weeny bit drunked. but it was amazing fun, here's a photo:

then at the weekend i went to whitby as a leader with my church youth group from home which was loads of fun. got my photo taken with dracula.... long story dont ask!
then this week has been very quick so far. it's been the christian union mission week so i've been to a bunch of talks which were pretty good.
and no joking that's about all i can remember from the past 10 days. fun fun fun in the house of kat.

i am officially addicted to facebook and i STILL haven't had chance to watch the nest episode of 24 which is very annoying. grrrr. (that's my angry noise)
not a needle pulling thread but something else instead. i find life is very funny really when you think about it, and i mean really really think about it. really really hard so it hurts your head, if you do that you'll suddenly find everything funny! don't know why.....

love you all!!! x x x